You'll Leave me, Kid.

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  "Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think."
― Thomas Edison.

Erik's POV

"Don't you think its a bit dull?  Whats that? living like this. How are we living? A lie."

"Don't you think talking to oneself is a bit overrated?" 
You probably wouldn't think I was cruel, that I could let myself lose. But that would also be a lie. "No, but you can kindly screw yourself." Rick stood in front of me positioning himself against the vendor's poll. "Sorry." "No need to apologize- So it almost nightfall, why are you still standing here." I didn't realize he was right until I scanned the sky, the sun was setting as a faded orange and reds sat in the sky like blankets. "Nothing." I replied, "So why are you crying." I left my arms to feel my face, it felt slightly wet, I wiped. "I wasn't." I turned my body away from him. "You didn't come to dinner when we called, so we left some food in the oven." "Thanks, but no thanks I ain't hungry." liar. 

I walked down the hall to hear talking from the lounge. It sounded like Shane and Lori. Lori and I never conversated with one another and I wasn't really intending to start now. Don't get me wrong she seems kind, Rick talks about her and Carl a lot. And I can tell that she loves Rick by the way they look at each other. I stood next to the door where Lori and Shane talked, eavesdropping, it's terrible, I know. But sue me for being curious. " Shane, You don't love me. You love Erik-" "It's not like that." Hearing that made my heart thud to a slow beat, "So what is it then?" And I don't think Lori knew about the baby. "Just because we made-" "We both thought Rick was dead, he knows, he understands. But you can't keep living like this. Loving someone when someone else loves you."  I don't think I'd say 'love' as such, you know. "But I don't-" "You don't what Shane?" Lori said with a bit of irritation in her voice.  

"I don't love her like I love you." 

And that's when I couldn't stop myself. The door creaked open slowly and at first, I didn't realize but there stood Shane and Lori, struck with surprise.  I froze, blinking like an idiot. "Erik-" His words gave me the strength to finally turn around and walk away. Like the coward I am.


"Do you ever just wish she was here with us?" Jazzmin muttered, I knew what she meant. "Every day." It was very rare to mention her death, even Brooke asked us to remember her alive. But that's hard. "The memory of her keeps me up at night. And it haunts me that I could have stopped her from dying. I even had a feeling in the pit of my stomach." 
It was even hard to discuss how I felt.

"You know you don't always have to blame yourself," Stephanie muttered from across the firepit. We now left that warehouse, it been a year, we started camping outside ever since. "Then who am I going to blame?" "Don't blame anyone but the stars above for being so bright and above everything, blame them for not having to be here during this fight."

I nodded.

END of Flashback.

I now sat at the edge of a sleeping bag which Shane doesn't approve of and neither does Glenn, Phin. But fuck them!, I slide into my sleeping bag ready to take rest. 



The house didn't sleep that night. Alone in the room, Erik laid on her side, feeling her stomach. "She'll change her mind. After a while." Glenn spoke outside the door. Stupid fool. Erik closed her eyes to pretend she was actually asleep when the door creaked open. She felt eyes on her. And then the door closed, and footsteps faded away. 

Rick laid still confused as the rest. "We leave at dawn," Rick suggested to Hershel and the rest who were going away. Everyone made way to their tents or room expect Hershel, he gave up his room for Erik. "Maybe it was time to tell everyone," Erik whispered yawning. 

At last, the house fell silent. Everyone laid in slumber. Not all slumber well though.

-------------TIME SKIP, ERIK Had a nightmare! about her bABY Being a WaLker born out of her. And everyone not accepting her or this pregancry.-------------------------

Eriks POV

I woke up with a jolt, breaking a sweat and panicked. It was not dawn yet I could tell the sun wasn't even up yet which made me wonder the time.  I turned my gaze towards the clock that hung above the wooden drawer in front of me.  It said 4:30 and I already felt sick. And as usual, I had gotten used to the morning sickness being apparent. I did my business as I buried myself in the toilet.

I heard groans from the rooms opposite Hershels. ( Just for because we did argue, I didn't want to take his bed.) "Hey." "Fuck off Shane." "Hey-" Shane said kneeling next to me holding up my hair, "I can do it-." I snatched my hair off him and stood up but failing miserably, I stumble. I flushed the toilet the cold steel lever felt frozen on my hand. I budged pass Shane wiping my mouth with puke, "Look, Shane, just leave me alone." 

I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water I felt a contraction stirrup. I grunted in pain and clutched my stomach. I tried not to yell.

(A/N, may I remind the readers I know nothing about pregnancy. so sorry if my information is false.)
A minute passed and the contraction stopped, I didn't yell or try to cause a ruckus. But it seemed as though Shane and I were the only ones awake. Rick, Glenn, Hershel, Daryl, and Phin were too. "Whats going on?" I ask, "We're leaving the first light." Phin responded tired, "Why so early?" I ask nervously. "Beats me-How you holding up." "Great," I announce sarcastically,  Phin looked at me worried, "You look tired," I said putting my hands on his cheeks using my thumbs to rub his red cheeks. 

"I don't want you to go." I protest sadly, "Scared I can't handle the big scary world?" Phin pestered, "I don't want you to leave like she did when she left us." "I am a big boy now, you can't protect me forever now, ain't I the older than you, ain't I suppose to protect you?" I shook my head and kissed his cheek not saying goodbye as the sun rose. Phin climbed into the back of a white and red pick up truck with Daryl and Shane sat in the front with Rick and Hershel. 

Phins POV

I didn't really want to leave, what if something bad happens to her? To her baby? I am no doctor but I don't know whats going to happen. I hopped into the back of Hershels pick up truck. And as the sun came up I watched the house start to slowly distance itself from my sight along with my safety and friends. 

It was a sad ending to a happy thriller. And as I waved goodbye I felt the breeze on my face waking me up. She didn't wave back, I understood. She always said she hated goodbyes ever since Brooke took her life. It really wasn't fair. To her or anyone else for that matter and I am sure it keeps us up at night it sure does for me. 

---20mis had passed and the ride was silent that was until Daryl spoke up, "You know that girl of yours-" "She's not mine." "Anyway, she seems a bit I dunno, weak." "She's not weak!" I snap. "Woah, chill, I'm sorry didn't mean to offend."

---------------------------------TIME SKIP THE ENTIRE HUNT BC IM A LAZY PIECE OF SHIT____________--------------

Eriks POV

It had been three days now, everyone was worried. I still hadn't told anyone and I am sure they're wondering, it was now my 2nd month being pregnant and I haven't felt it kick which made me worrisome even more. Lori had known from Shane, and she keeps an eye out for me. She said her 2nd child didn't make it, she had a miscarriage. She said to me that when she first had Carl she craved foods you'd screw up in disgust, but Rick supported her all the way.

The people who knew where.

Lori, Shane, Phin, Glenn, and Hershel. How demeaning it was mostly men who know. I am nervous to say out loud that I am pregant. Lori and the mostly everyone have gotten" me to tend the kitchen and inside area a little cleaning it was hard to battle with them. "You shouldn't work." "Yeah well, gotta pay my keep."

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