Bulletin Brains

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The smile on Erika's face as she looked up to see her best friend Phin could light up the world at night, she clung to him like glue on paper wincing at the slight pain in her arm. Oh, how she missed everyone especially Phin's face so much. Phin put his arm around Erika's tender body, Erika embracing his touch with her still warm smile and laugh. Shane slouching away to his 'tent' moody as usual. As Phin showed Erika to her 'sleeping quarters.' aka 'room' they laid on top of the sleeping bag that was on a swob of yellow sponge. Erika didn't seem to mind and neither did Phin, Erika found it better than the forest floor or the dirty mucky floor of a petrol station. "What are you thinking about?" Erika asked Phin, feeling each other body warmth as they nuzzled into each other. "A lot of things quite honestly, for starters; how you are okay, kinda, remembering the past and how happy I am to see you here." Erika smiled warmly closing her eyes blackness swarming her and for once in a few days, she can sleep once again without being scared of the big bad dreams.


Erika was sound asleep with Phin not beside her. She crinkled up her nose and squinted her eyes stretching as far as Erika could to feel more refreshed. For a slight second, Erika forgot where she was and panicked for a bit. She felt anxious until she remembered that she came home last night. A smile crept onto her face as she got out of her sleeping bag and stood up to face Caitlin sleeping opposite her silently snoring. Erika's smile grew bigger and she wasn't thinking about Zombies outside there houses in the city or creeping around their old university campus waiting for fresh meat taste. Erika walked outside to find herself headed down a long narrow hallway she remembered which way to go, and headed outside.

Erika found everyone-everyone except Caitlin of course. Maggie and Carl took up the job of stock take, as usual, it was a bonding moment for them. Hershel did his job as a doctor and did a count of his newfound medicine Jazzmin and Stephanie are with Phin huddled up by the barn probably discussing what to do. Erika walked over to the corner of her eye she could she Beth handing out deer or spam again. Erika screwed up her face at the thought of more deer and spam, the taste still lingering makes Erika gag.

Jazzmin finally turned to see Erika she still was bandaged up just for good measure I hope. She tried running towards me as she held her stomach she winced, Erika stood in awe and tightly embraced Jazzmin in a hug. Jazzmin explained how she missed you an knew you'd always come back to the group. "I missed you too!" Erika smiled into the hug, she felt Phin and Stephanie group hug us as well Erika could feel their happiness vibrate onto her. They all let go of each other Beth walked over to them asking if they wanted food, " Hey Beth, I'm fine, thanks, Beth" Erika greeted, Phin considered the question and smiled, "Yeah thanks." Jazzmin agreed and so did Stephanie out came Caitlin she obviously heard the word food she smiled and made herself giddy running towards the group. "Morning Beth, thanks, Beth I'll have Spam-." Erika hugged Caitlin for a few seconds before saying, " I don't know why but I actually  like Spam." Awkward silence arose disgust over Phin's, Jazzmin and Stephanie's face Erika just stood there amazed at the thought of actually eating the bullshit food. 

Erika got that's it was all they had besides the deer for now at least until they find 'The Red Army.' 

Meanwhile, they talked about where they were going, who to trust or what to do. Phin mentioned about Erika's 'vacation to hell' only small details were mentioned like shit talking about how Shane's ego is bigger than the sun. The drama with Rick and how they took so long to come home Stephanie being the leader screwed up her nose and frowned. "But we all agreed to come back because we felt that Rick being greedy was and could be too much to risk." The group nodded in unison Beth coming back with Caitlin's food and dragging Phin away to talk about something, "Sorry I just need to borrow Phin for a minute sorry." Beth said walking away holding Phin's hand, Erika looked disgusted and slightly jealous. "Stupid bitch" Stephanie commented, "She can just not." Jazzmin agreed, Erika just sat in silence. Even though in her mind she knew she felt like an emotional threat to her. 


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