Sex Ditch.

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1st person Pov
You stood there staring at Phin like he was a ghost. "He probably only loves me as a friend, right" you thought, head hanging lowly. You didn't  want to distrubt the flowing conversation.So before they had noticed your appareance you walked away to the make shift shooting range.

At the range there stood Shane hovering over his firearm reloading it quickly he started shooting once again. You weren't thinking clearly as your eyes looked drunk and bloodshot and  of course you looked like shit.

You picked up another pistol sitting on top of a rusty old oil barrel and stood in the proper pisition and shot down two rusty cans. Shane was startled as he didn't notice you were behind him all this time shooting. "I thought you didn't like handling these things?" Shane said looking at you his gun thrown onto the barrel. " I didn't say that, I just said I only like using silent killers.Got a few tricks? " you asked Shane. He smirked and nodded, "Don't you have a boyfriend?" You shook her head, "Phins not my boyfriend" you admitted, Shane walked to you, he grabbed your waist positioning you properly.  Arms shoulder length apart, arms out. "Sometimes to kill you don't think. You just have to act." And without a second thought you aimed and pulled the trigger, Shane smirked not letting go of your waist. You shot two more bullets at other cans.

You walked over to put you gun down when you tripped up on a thick branch just casually laying on the forest ground ready to be tripped up on. You tumbled onto the ground smiling, laughing at your clumsiness. Shane put out his hand to help , You grabbed his hand and pulled him down but his strength was intimating that he pulled you up with one swift move, their faces were mere inches apart.


They could feel eachothers breathe on each others faces. And you didn't see a stuck up prick or an egotistic jerk, narsistic idiot but a man with eyes of an angel. That if anyone got too close you'd feel that you'd feel so dragged in with all you could ever want in with one swift. Shane didn't catch you, lust did and you needed to feel loved. You needed to feel like she belonged again.

Its been rough ever sense the outbreak and even before then battling with yourself wasn't a ride you'd want to go on. Shane crashed his lips down on you and you melted into his touch. He slithered his hands under your shirt and held you like that. He bit your lip gasping for air, before they went at it again.

You asked for entrance and he granted , your tounge sliding in as it danced. You tore apart smiling, "I feel like we need more privacy!" Shane announced dragging you to his car. They drove to a empty but vacant house not to far from the farm.

Shane pulled over popping open the trunk he grabbed out a blanket, for some reason  not to question why he had one in their. They ran inside and to their surprise a couch laid out up against the wall along with a table an other furniture. The furniture didn't look rundown that much, Shane set down the blanket.

Warning Smut up ahead!!

Shane pushed your body down onto the couch, he took off his shirt. His bulge apparent under his jeans. You just smirked seductively awaiting pleasure to come and it soon did.

He helped you take off you dark brown blouse and he smiled as you weren't wearing a lace bra. He undid it well kissing you down with his lips. It felt like the you could feel the earth beneath your feet or the wind drifting past. It was everything as you both undressed. He started to insert himself in you, you moaned out his name causing him to concentrate on only you as you winced. "Did I hurt you?" Shane asked worried. "No." You replied grabbing onto his waist he paced his motions abit faster as you called out his name, moan after moan.

He rubbed inside of you feeling nothing but pleasure, it didn't occur that crawlers where nearby or someone could have seen you two together.You slithered your hand around his neck and held onto him as you passionately kissed him.

He  grabbed ahold of your breasts an massaging it.
"I'm almost-" You announced, "One mor-" Shane clarified until he released himself and you did to. You felt tired but you couldn't sleep. The guys would wonder were you were. He melted into your chest he left go of your breast.

End of terrible smut

You sigh the blanket now covering both of yous he kissed your neck and then your head, " You smell like sex." Shane commented only for you to roll your eyes. "No shit-" you felt good, like it was the best. "We should head back." You groaned the thought of having to deal with reality again annoyed you.

Shane sat up getting off of you, dressed in his attire once again. You stood up doing the same thing, grabbing the blanket you wrapped it up and stuff it back into the car.

As you sat in the passenger seat Shane's hand felt up yours and you let him.


The campsite looked the same as though we hadn't left. As we snuck back in without anyone noticing.

"Its only been a hour or two." You reminded Shane to ease your mind, No one you hoped would notice you and Shane's appareance together.

Parking the car next to the ricks tent you both hopped out going in different  directions. Sitting on a log you remembered the way he touched you, kissed you, you closed your eyes feeling his touch once again your mind.

The thought of pregnancy didn't ever occur to you . As kids didn't taste well in your mind.

' I mean it was one time right, it doesn't take once to get pregnant off one time, right!?'


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