The Secret Moon ((Part 8))

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As a little kid I used to have bad dreams about the scary monsters with fangs; but after I killed my first one, all those nightmares disappeared and after that I didn't dream -and if I did dream it wasn't a nightmare. But now, every time I shut my eyes the only thing I could think of was that feeling I had when that man was holding me.

I had always been so strong and sure of myself; even when I fought Annie or when I had to face down angry hordes of crazy vampires -the only other time I felt so vulnerable and scared was when I was with Jace and that was why I could never be with him.

I hated that feeling.

Hated it to the core and now every time I closed my eyes I got to re-live that scene all over again. The feeling of not being able to break out of his hold, his strong fingers digging into my arms, leaving bruises behind (and I'm sure you know its pretty hard to bruise me). Why did that one, small incident affect me the way it did? Vampires had never scared me half as much as that did and nothing bad even happened, except for the blows traded by James and the other guys.


I replayed that night over and over in my head, trying to figure out what exactly happened and where I had went wrong and I couldn't find a solution because let's face it; even with James' tongue trying to force open my mouth, my mind was on total defense mode. I had had all of my sense open and focused and they had still managed to jump the gun on me.

Bebe nudged me with her face and whined. I looked over at the clock and back at her.

"Sorry babe." I said. "Mama forget to feed you dinner."

I got up out of bed and headed downstairs and outside to the shed to get some meat out of the freezer. The night was chilled, much more so than any other night so far. It was obvious that it was going to be winter soon. The moon lit my way back to the house and I was almost to the door when I got this strange feeling that I was being watched.

I didn't turn to look or call out 'whose there?' like those stupid girls in horror movies, instead I grabbed the meat tighter and continued walking at my even pace. The feeling followed me all the way until I shut the door and locked it, but even then, it was still there even if only a little. I pulled the drapes closed on the door and turned to face the hungry dogs in my kitchen. When each of them were satisfied with a meat bone, I went around the house and made sure all the drapes and blinds on the other windows were closed too.

This wasn't like me. I wasn't a person who could be spooked; but I hadn't really been myself since that attack when that strange boy had bitten me. I still had a faint scar on my arm to remind me that he was also still out there and another problem on my 'to do list' that was just growing by the night.

I cuddled into a blanket on the couch and turned the TV on low; I must have dozed off because a knock at the door startled me out of sleep. I jumped up, grabbing my stake off the table, and slowly crept towards the door. The knock came again, more persistent and my door knob wobbled.

"Cheyenne, I know you're in there. Open up!" Came Jace's voice.

I sighed a sigh of relief and ran over to the door.

"Sorry," I said after I unlocked it and ushered Shay and him inside. "I had this weird feeling earlier and I locked all the doors and windows."

Jace looked me over with a frown on his face.

"Yea, I had it too while I was walking Shay. It was very sudden, almost as if someone was following me only I know for a fact no one was there and then I smelled it..."

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