Sex, Secrets, and Lies ((Part 4))

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~Jace's POV~

I couldn't do it again if my life depended on it. I don't know how the memory came to me, but I do know that I wasn't getting anymore. Frustrated with my failed efforts, I got in the car with Shay and Bebe and drove back to my old apartment building.  

The other hunters were still living there and none of them had been doing so well since Cheyenne vanished. Jane and Dave had been taking comfort in each other and Santino had really stepped up to the plate for Mia; she didn't want to admit it, but she was very traumatized by whatever it was that happened to her while she was James prisoner and it made it worse for her to know that Cheyenne was now with him, probably because she knew how he was, the real him.  

Paige had been out every night, almost every night while I was still living in the apartments after she was taken, Paige brought home a new guy to her room. Liam, who had been severely injured by a hell-hound in its true formed suffered for many months after the attack but with some help from his best fiend, Parker, healed up pretty good.  

He still needed help sometimes, the poison from the hell-hound's teeth had screwed up some of Liam's arm and shoulders muscles and sometimes he had no used of his right side. It was hard on me, but it had been hardest on Bebe and Cheyenne's other dogs. Bebe didn't eat anything for the first two months. I had to have a vet do some fluid work on her to keep her strong, and even after she started eating again I could see how depressed she was.  

The other dogs were bad, but they weren't as bad. They just seemed like they had nothing to live for anymore. I don't know what the horses were thinking, but it seemed like they were the least affected by the situation, or hell, maybe they knew something I didn't.

When I got to the building, I pulled into the under-hang parking lot and turned the jeep off. Bebe and Shay jumped out and started for the stairs, they knew this route like the back of their eye lids. I followed after them but didn't make it to the steps because I noticed the license plate on a black Cadillac: SecMoon125. 

I didn't know much about The Secret Moon, but I did know that if they had made the effort to come out of hiding and come here, then there must be a good reason.

~Chey's POV~

Doc rented a room at a local hotel and all I had to do was get away from the house and get to him. I didn't want to take James' car and wake him up so I called a cab and had them meet me at the end of the road. The pains in my stomach and back didn't return, but I did get a very bad cramp that started between my hips and spread throughout my whole lower back and abdomen on the ride to the hotel. 

The cab driver almost crashed the car trying to help me but I assured him once I got to the hotel I would be alright. He wanted to help me walk to the door but I sent him on his way, not wanting him to try and stick around any longer than he had to. Luckily, the room was on the first floor, I didn't think I would be able to walk up stairs with the random bolts of pain I was experiencing.

Dr. Barnes, doc, was waiting for me. We weren't alone in the room though. A now, much bigger, Rayne was sitting on the ground playing with some toys doc had placed in front of her.  

"Hope you don't mind, but its hard to find a babysitter in the middle of the night." He told me, ushering me to the bed.  

I smiled weakly at him, glad, for the moment at least, that there was no pain.  

"You kept her?"  

Doc smiled and looked over at the caramel baby goo-goo and gaga-ing in the middle of the floor and then looked back at me.  

"How could I not keep her?" And then, "Lay back on the bed and spread your legs please."  

I laughed, one quick laugh. "Wow doc, that's the most direct a man has even been with me."  

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