Sex, Secrets, and Lies ((Part 12))

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~Chey's POV~

One month, two weeks, and four hours -give or take- since I've seen or saw a trace of James. I know he's not dead, that would be too easy, and I know he hasn't just given up on me, he's not the kind of creature to know how to give what is taking him so long to come after me again? Why has nothing fallen apart for so long?

The wait of it all was driving me crazy and I really needed to get out of this house. I think Jace could feel my anxiety this morning because he kept watching Jas and I.

Jeez, what did he think? That I would hurt her. But then he spoke.

"I think we should get out of the house today."

"What?" I asked him.

"You know; you, me, Jas, outdoors. Maybe the park or something."

I gave him a blank look. "You've got to be kidding me."

He arched an eyebrow at me. "Why would I be kidding you?"

"Because," I stated. "The council is out there watching for us and James is still out there...looking for me, waiting for a weak moment so he can attack and take us out."

Jace's face turned softer, he smiled gently.

"Cheyenne, if you sit in the house worrying about all the bad that could happen then you're not going to be able to live. What you're doing now is unhealthy, but not just for you, for Jas too."

I stared at him for a moment. He had been speaking to me in one of those voices that you use on a five year old when you're trying to make them understand that what they did was bad and how disappointed in them you are; and I was going to snap at him, chew his head off, but when I looked down at Jas my whole view on things changed.

Who was I to keep her cooped up in the house all the time because I was insecure? Jace was right; if the council and James was going to come, they were going to come regardless. We could be sitting in this very house or out at the park and they would still come. I looked up at him.

"Fine, we can go to the park, but only for a little while. It's a hot day today and Jas has delicate skin."

Jace smiled again, a true, genuine smile this time, and ran to pack us a bag. When we were loading the car up I got a feel of the diaper bag and realized that it wasn't just baby stuff in there, Jace was being cautious too, he had was also afraid, though he wouldn't admit it.

Shay jumped into the back of the jeep but Bebe appraised it and then lifted her front paws up and turned to look at me. Wtf?

"You've got to be kidding me." I told her, my hands on my hips.

Her tongue fell out of the side of her mouth and she started wagging her bushy tail. She actually wanted me to lift her into the back of the jeep. What had the world come to? I caved.

"Seriously Bebe," I said, lifting her into the back and then closing the tail-gate. "If you don't start getting some good exercise soon you're going to just get fatter."

Jace walked past me then, heading towards the drivers side of the jeep and I punched him on the arm. He winced and grabbed it.

"What was that for?" He complained, lifting his sleeve to look at the spot that I hit.

"For letting my dog get fat while I was away."

Jace looked over at Bebe and then back at me and then broke out into the most amazing smile I have even seen in my life. My heart flipped and then squeezed. I realized then that that little interaction there was the most I had given him in a long time and he must have noticed it too.

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