Sex, Secrets, and Lies ((Part 3))

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Mom seemed scatter-brained; she couldn't sit still for more than a few minutes and I could tell that she wasn't all there, as in herself.

She was pacing right now, mumbling to herself and talking in a cryptic language. I knew this was all an after-affect of Annie's compulsion. It seemed like I wasn't the only one still affected by her. She touched her forehead for a moment and then turned and looked at me.

"I know you." She said, and then made a face as if she was thinking.

I smiled sadly at her.

"Yes, I'm Cheyenne, remember mom? I'm your daughter."

She looked at me for a few minutes and then smiled.

"My daughter, she was so beautiful. She died you know? You remind me of her."

I shook my head and stood up. I was about to say "no mom, I'm your daughter, I'm not dead" but she caught sight of my stomach and her eyes grew huge.

"You're pregnant?! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy."

She walked over to me and knelt to her knees, placing her hands and cheek on my bump and closing her eyes.

"Darkness." She said. "Your baby is surrounded by darkness."

"Mom," I said, nudging her with my knee and trying to get her off the floor. "Cut it out, stand up."

She wouldn't move out of the position she was in and then suddenly, as if a button had been pushed she looked up at me and smiled again.

"Cheyenne, you're home."

I left as soon as I could.

I knew the results of being heavily compulsed and them having the compulser die was bad, but I had never seen it this bad before. I walked with my hand on my stomach towards town so I could take the long way "home" when I smelled a very interesting aroma coming from one of the grocery stores.

I followed my nose inside and to the sampler cooker. She smiled when she saw me and my belly.

"It's Indian Chicken curry." She said before I could ask.

I felt a little nudge in my stomach and smiled.

"I'll take some."

Eating was kind of a weird experience for me but now it was something I found myself frequently doing. When I got home James was waiting up, his arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes were dark...he was pissed.

"Where the hell have you been?" He hissed when I walked through the door.

I held up my supermarket bag and tried to smile as innocently as I could.

"I had a craving."

James jumped up and grabbed onto my arms, making me drop my bag on the floor. He swung me around until the back of my knees his the bed and I fell onto my back. I struggled against him but it was useless, the baby was taking a lot of my strength and the farther along in my pregnancy I got the more mortal I became. It was scary and strange for me and I was hoping James wouldn't notice, but he picked up on it right away.

"You will not disappear for that long, not as long as you are the vessel of my child."

I kept my face neutral, not reacting to what he was saying.

"I bet you're trying to come up with a plan in that little brain of yours," he poked the side of my head when he said that. "To get rid of this child without having it kill you first so you can run back to your little vampire, but guess what? There is no way."

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