The Secret Moon ((Part 12))

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I was still sitting on my back porch when I heard someone running towards me. My first thought was that Jace had came back but then I realized that these footfalls were much too heavy for him. My second thought was 'can I get up in time and open the door to let the dogs out?'

When I looked up though I saw a familiar face; Jessica, and she was holding a bundle in her arms.

"Jessica?" I said, standing up.

She smiled at me relieved and I saw that her face was beaten up.

"What happened to you?"

"I've been running." She gasped, falling to her knees on the steps. "And I heard about her birth, I'm connected still..."

She wasn't making any sense.

"Connected to what? Whose birth?"

Jessica moved the blanket over to reveal the face of a newborn baby; its skin was tan, almost a caramel color and it had a handful of black hair on its head.

"Whose baby is that Jessica?" I asked.

"One of the girls." She said, "She's one of the girls babies, and she's like me."

I bent down in front of Jessica and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Like you?" I asked.

"We're both she-hounds."

I locked the dogs in various rooms and brought Jessica inside, letting her get comfortable on my couch. The baby was sleeping peacefully in my recliner chair with pillows supporting her. I made Jessica a warm drink and sat down on the couch next to her after handing it over.

"So explain everything to me." I told her.

"Okay, well....remember those men who were after me? The ones who rouged you up?" I nodded.

"Well, they're called Searchers. They're the lowest members of the pack."

"The pack?" I asked her, pretty sure I already knew what she was talking about.

"I don't know if you'll believe this or not, but I'm from a pack of hellhounds; in modern days they're referred to as Werewolves, but that's not actually what we are."

I looked her in the face and saw how scared and tired she was. How was she one of these creatures and weren't they all suppose to me males? As if she could read my mind she continued.

"Hellhounds are always born male, its just the way we are; but once in a while, for unknown reasons, a she-hound will be born. There's only been about ten or twelve of us ever born and only one was ever let live by a pack; they wanted to see what she would turn into."

"And what does a she-hound turn into?" I asked Jessica.

She snorted and sipped her drink.

"Nothing, which is why they get rid of us. All hellhounds are born in their true form and almost instantly shift to humans. Babies are known to shift one hundred to one hundred and fifty times before they can get control over themselves and that's not until they're in early toddler stages, but she-hounds shift once, right as they are born, and then don't have access to their true form until they are at the peak of maturity."

She paused and sipped her drink again.

"We're barren just like the male hounds are but we're weaker and can't shift on our own free will. I've only shifted once since birth and that was when I was twelve and watched the person who saved me get torn up and killed by a pack of hellhounds."

"Why was the person killed?" I asked.

"Because she-hounds are disposed of at birth, I was suppose to be drowned but one of the regular human males that are routinely taken prisoner by the hounds felt bad for me and passed me on to a woman in town; of course he couldn't return after that so he turned himself in in hopes to keep them off our trail for a while. After she was killed I was on my own but I've stayed close so I could make sure another she-hound wasn't killed. I found out about her birth and almost got there too late. They had already thrown her in the river..."

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