chapter 1: Introductions

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Hint: this story contains swearing so please be mindful of this before you start reading!!!!

Hey my name is Georgia Mercer, I am 18 years old and I'm in my 1st year at South Bay University. You could say my life is great. Well at least I thought so but never did I predict that I would be involved in something so complicated. Many years ago! Well 2 actually, I was at Winston prep academy it was a private school. I know what your thinking!! Poor little rich girl complaining about her life well let me tell you a story. Sit back and get comfortable because your in for one hell of a ride. My life completely changed! Let's just get on with the story before I divulge more secrets to you.

Flashback- 2 years ago

My school was normal. Well apart from the fact that it was covered with rich, good looking people. I wasn't one of those people. I was average. I had rich parents but I didn't have the looks, my best friends had everything though. I sometimes wonder why they didn't choose to be friends with popular girls, as much as I wonder why I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't be able to get through life without these two.

Ok so first off we have Becky, the most positive and amazing girl you'll ever meet. She has a great sense of fashion but she also has a truly amazing personality and she is so in touch with her feelings. And she can put a smile on anyone's face even a 90 year old man that's suffering with an illness. She has a smile that lights up the room, I'm still shocked she's single.

Ok so next up we have Jade. OMG where do I begin she is so lovely even when she hates talking about boy problems she listens to ours. She's quite a socially inactive person but we love her honestly she gives the best advice. And well do I have to say it again her fashion sense is amazing, and uhh her laugh literally cheers everyone up.

I really wonder how I ended up with such amazing friends.

"Hey girl" screamed Becky down the corridor.

Oh did I forget to mention she's also quite crazy?!

"What's up?" Asked Jade as she made her way over to me.
"I'm fine just really don't wanna be in school today" I replied.

Maybe I don't wanna be in school because of that bitchy Avery who bullies me!

"Is this about Avery?" Becky asked after around minutes.

Well nah

"Well kind off" I replied.
" Well don't worry about her because you have us and we're always gonna be here for you!" Exclaimed Becky before pulling me in for a massive hug.

Suddenly shouts and squeals we're coming from the corridor this could only mean one thing. The fuckboys. I'm not gonna deny that they ain't good looking, but they literally don't have relationships with people they just sleep with them. It's kind of annoying.

Uhhh why do the fuckboys have to be here?

Ok so I'm presuming you want an introduction of these guys to. Well first off Mason Smith. He literally charms every girl as he walks past them. He has probably slept with every girl in this school. No joke.

Next you have Hunter Ross. Uhhhh he is so attractive I'm not gonna lie but he's always skipping lessons to bang girls in school what's the deal with that. I've never seen him in a relationship but I've seen him with girls a lot. Hunter has slept with every girl in this school( apart from me and my friends but no one cares about us at this school so) and in case you haven't worked it out he loves to boast about it.

Ok so next we have Derek Wilder. Now this takes player to a whole new level because he will go anywhere like to a fun fair or the cinema. If he sees an attractive girl he will bang her than and there. Why would you be like that?

Finally we have Cole Hayes. Now I know what your thinking he's gonna be like the other guys but he isn't. He doesn't go into relationships ok but he doesn't sleep with every girl he sees. And I ain't gonna deny that he is so cute it literally hurts that I'll never be with him.

So there you have it the fuckboys. I turned around to see all of them walking down the corridor every girl fainting as they walked by. It's disgusting how they use girls like that. However something made my heart pound out it's chest when I saw Cole walking over to me...................

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