Chapter 32: My Life Is A Lie

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Warning: the end of this story has some very upsetting scenes plz don't read the ending if you get upset by self harm or read it with someone you trust.

Georgia's pov:

"Dad... H-how are you alive?" I asked him, my voice shaking.

"Well my dear Georgia as you can see your Mom isn't the only one with gang connections"

I stood there. This whole time my life has been a lie, my Mom was alive and so was my Dad. For 12 years I had believed that they had both been dead but know both of them are apart of my life.

"I know it must be confusing for you and all will be explained to you in due course but for now my darling daughter you must meet the gang"

"1: I've already met these guys and the others who you probs kicked out and 2: why must I meet them exactly?" I replied to him sassily.

What? Just cause he's my Dad doesn't mean I'm not going to give him the sass card especially when he's been lying to me for 14 years.

"Someone's sassy... And I know you've met them but you need to get to know them as you'll be the boss of this gang one day" I stood there in shock.

There was no way I was taking over this gang, surely he had to know I'd refuse?

"No... No I won't" His devilish eyes glared as I said those words.

"Yes you will you have no choice... Georgia you were born into this role you can't escape destiny"

"How is it my destiny Dad!??" I screamed at him "I have a choice on what I want to do with my life!!"


He slapped me across the face and I fell to the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized something.

My Dad was different, he had changed. I guess I'd always wanted my life to be different but not like this. I want my old Dad back who used to love me and care for me.

A single tear fell down my cheek causing my heart to shatter ever so slightly. The pain was unbearable.

I ran out of the room as fast as my legs could carry me. My heart was breaking, my tears were falling. I sat there in the corner of my room crying and no one cared. My Dad never came after me, he never showed that he cared.

He stood there and looked at me as I ran away. All he did was stand there. This just made my heart break even more.

My tears were falling faster by the minute as I sat there contemplating what my life has become.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a knife sat there on the table. It's shinning blade called me closer to it. Maybe my Dad was right I couldn't escape my destiny; my destiny wasn't what he said. It was here. Contained in the knife that could change everything.

Everything could change. I could be happier, I wouldn't have to take on my Dad's stupid gang. I could be free and no one could stop me.

My Dad doesn't care anyway, he just stood there while I ran away. I want to get out and I have my perfect opportunity I just have to take it.

I stood up from where I was sat and slowly walked over to table. The shimmering blade of the knife caught my attention as I grasped my hand around the handle.

I brought the blade closer to my skin, this was it. This was the end..........

Hey guys it's a very short chapter I know but I've been very busy lately. A lot of you have asked when I'm next updating so I thought I'd update a small filler chapter for you as so many of you are wanting to read my story. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU'RE GIVING THIS STORY IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!❤️❤️😭

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat for updates on my story!!

P.s. if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes plz let me know ❤️

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