Chapter 17: We Trusted You!

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I'm planning to get back on schedule now so I will update every Tuesday and Friday, if for some reason I don't update I will post it on my Instagram account episode.laurenw13 so make sure to regularly check my story. I also post updates on my Snapchat story so you can add me on there hermione1309 is my username. Anyway I would just like to say another big thank you for reading this story it means so much to me, well on with chapter 17. Be warned though this is a long chapter but with a lot of twists and turns.

"Well hello Georgia long time no see" A woman's voice spoke out but one things for sure it wasn't my Auntie Ainsley's.................

Georgia's pov:

I looked up at the woman who spoke to me, she had gorgeous blond hair and shinning blue eyes. She looked exactly like me but how unless she was one of my family. She can't be though the only family I have left is my adopted auntie Ainsley.........

"Georgia I know this is going to be a lot to take in so why don't you come inside and me and my sister will discuss everything" This woman said to me.

I stood there for 2 seconds looking at her before what she said hit me. This woman standing in front of me was my mother. The mother I thought I lost all those years ago is standing right in front of me, smiling at me as she has set her eyes on the daughter she thought she lost.

All of a sudden tears came streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them. In front of me was the woman I thought I lost all those years ago, the mother who I thoughts id never get to see again.

"Don't cry my baby girl, things will get better" She said to me in that soft voice of hers before pulling me into her warm embrace. I missed how comforting her hugs were and calming her voice was, the thought of all this just made me cry even more.

"I missed you so much Mom" I cried to her.

"I know you did Baby girl and I'm sorry for not being there but I can't tell you out here its not safe. Come inside and I'll tell you everything." She took my hand and lead me into the house. I walked into the living room where my Auntie Ainsley was sat on the sofa. This was it I was going to learn the truth about everything and I couldn't wait.........

"Sit down Georgia this is a very long story" My Aunt told me as she exchanged a glance with my mom.

Wow there's a sentence I never thought I'd say in my life.

I took a seat on the sofa and looked towards my Mom and Aunt.

"So what's going on" I asked them

"Honey your Aunt and I are part of a secret agency that protects the world from the secret gangs in the world. We were given a mission 12 years ago to find the biggest gang in America The Fire Eaters, unfortunately they found out about me and that's how our family died. The agency found out and came to save me but due to the fact they needed me more than anyone else I was the only survivor. To keep my identity a secret from the Fire Eaters I have been hiding in my sister's basement for the past 12 years but now you finally know that I'm alive I need you to be a secret agent for me."

"Why do you need me?" I asked them.

"We have reason to believe that the gangs leader is Cole Hayes, a teenager that goes to your school, we also believe that his friends are part of it to." My Aunt told me. I looked at her in disbelief the guy that I once loved, the boys that I was now friends with are part of a gang. A proper gang that do illegal stuff.

"Why are you looking at us like that honey?" My Mom asked me.

"You mean the guy that I asked advice for on, my boyfriend, my friends and my best friends boyfriend are all members of a GANG!!!!" I screamed at them!

.THE COMPLICATED LOVE STORY.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt