Chapter 13: New York Returns! (part 2)

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I really hope you enjoy this chapter, by the way the pic at the top is a pic of the mysterious girl we met in the last chapter. Enjoy the painful cliffhanger.....

"OI" You two stop having a hard-core make out session it's not benefitting anyone!" A mysterious person shouted across too us. I recognized that voice immediately. Things just went from bad to worse in 2 seconds.

"Did you miss me?"................

Georgia's pov:

"Seriously Chris you have been in LA for 1 hour and you've already kissed your ex, that's gotta be a record bro!" the mysterious girl said.

"Ok seriously how many people do you know woman!!" Derek shouts at me.

I looked at her, she looked at me.

Looks like New York is moving to LA! Great you know if you leave something behind it means you don't want it to return!

"Well if it isn't April Reynolds, my old best friend. I see your still not over the fact that I moved to LA!" I snapped at her.

"I see you haven't moved on from Christopher yet!" She replied back with just as much sass as I gave her.

I forgot how sassy this girl was, just like her bro.

"Why are you here April??" I asked her.

"My big bro wanted to come and see you so I thought I'd tag along" she replied in the sweet innocent voice. "And well know I see he only wanted to come here to finish where he left off in New York 12 years ago."

Sweet and innocent my ass!!

Cole's pov:

She just kissed Chris! Did she not care about me at all?? Was I just some playboy?? Thousands of questions spiralling round my head as I try to process what just happened. I couldn't believe it, I mean I know we have only been dating for a few hours; I thought we had a connection. A spark. Apparently we don't.

"You ok buddy?" Derek whispers in my ear stopping my train of thought.

I wanted to say I was fine and that he kissed her but I wasn't and she kissed him back with the amount of desire that we usually have. The pain is unbearable! I need to know why? Why she used me? Why she kissed him back? Why she agreed to date me to then kiss her ex boyfriend 2 hours later? I know she isn't that type of girl but I can't help but think this way at the moment. Did she know he was coming back?

Ok stop it Cole, your just being silly! Why would she ask why he was here if she knew he was gonna be here?? Unless she was acting................ NO STOP IT COLE!!

I had to know and I was going to find out whether she liked it or not.

"Georgia!" I spoke after staying silent the whole time. I finally spoke up regretting that I had because all eyes were now on me..................

Georgia's pov:

He finally said something for the first time in 10 minutes. And for the first time ever I was afraid of what he was going to say.

"We'll let you and your new friends discus the events that have occurred" She said before dragging Chris away from me and walking off.

I turned to face Cole, tears started forming in his eyes. He was hurt. I broke him. I was only girl he's ever had proper feelings for and I just broke him. Leaving his heart shattered across the floor with no hope of fixing it.

I swallowed the guilt before opening my mouth to say something; I immediately closed it. My heart broke seeing him like this knowing its all my fault he's in this position. Tears started to fall down his face as I tried to hold mine back but couldn't. Tears were now streaming down both of our faces as we looked at each other hurt. I knew what he was going to say and I didn't want to answer him as I didn't know myself. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I knew it was for the best until I had some answers. I walked up to him, I could feel his breath on my face as more tears came down. He knew what was coming. Our eyes locked one last time before I kissed his cheek. People usually see this as were ok and we are getting back together but not for me it wasn't. It was my way of saying good bye to Cole.

"Goodbye Cole" I finally said before slowly walking away from everything I had in LA...............

Are Cole and Georgia over forever or will they get back together? The fight will happen in the next chapter as a lot more drama comes into play. I'm honestly so happy with the amount of reads this story has I appreciate it so much thank you, I really hope you enjoy this story.


Who will Georgia go to considering she left everyone in LA behind her? Will she turn to Christopher for comfort or is there another secret she's keeping from her friends?? Who's involved in the fight and will Georgia make an appearance to try and stop the fight from hurting anyone even though she's already broke one person?? Find out next time in Chapter 14: The fight!!

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