Chapter 14: The Fight!

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Hey guys thanks for 100 reads it means the world to me I love you guys so much!!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter even with the horrible ending. Love you guys!

"Goodbye Cole" I finally said before slowly walking away from everything I had in LA...............

Georgia's pov:

I walked away. Away from my boyfriend, away from my friends to go to the person I left behind. I left him yet I still feel obliged to be with him. I still don't know what I want forever but I know, in this moment, I want Chris. I want his soft lips against mine as our passion grows , I want to feel his touch all over my body. I want him. No I needed him and I wouldn't let anything stop me.

I waited until I was away from everything fully before texting him. I knew he wouldn't say no and neither would I.


Hey where are you?? x


At home why?? x


Where's home because I need you??? x


I think I can fulfil your needs princess x

He made me laugh at the last text. He's always called me princess since the day we first met and it always made me feel special to know I was his princess. He texted me the address I knew exactly where it was as it was in the same street as Cole's.

Oh the irony!

The closer I got to Chris's house, the more temptation I felt. I needed him to satisfy me, I needed his body to collide with mine, I needed to feel the softness of his lips kissing my whole body. The temptation was too strong now, the satisfaction was the only thing that could stop the temptation from building even further.

The temptation built with every step until I got to Cole's house (well and mine but you know)I stopped. In and out. In and out. I struggled to breathe, I looked up at the window. I saw his face sodden with tears looking up at the sky. Our eyes locked before tears came streaming down my face. I couldn't hold them back anymore. He was so hurt and broke but it didn't stop me. My eyes met his once again before I walked away, my heart broke looking at him. I couldn't give him what he wanted, I wasn't the right person for him. He deserved someone way better than me.

I continued walking to Chris' house, the temptation getting stronger by the second. I felt guilt because I just left him with no explanation but I didn't know why? Why I kissed Chris? Why I felt the urge to have his kisses all over my body? Why I left Cole broken? I don't have any answers all I know is right here, right now I want Chris. And I'm going to have him.

"Hey what needs do you needs fulfilling princess??" He asked me with a seductive smirk on his face.

"Oh I think you already know the answer to that question" I answered him.

2 seconds passed. 2 long tiring seconds had passed before I gave into the temptation. I crashed my lips onto his and passion sparked immediately. He quickly gave in, I smiled against his lips as he did. We both wanted each other but as I kissed him all I could think about was Cole. How we were in this position only last night and now we were worlds apart. It wasn't long before all our clothes were on the floor. I wanted him, he wants me after 12 long years this is what we want.

A couple of hours later:

"OI you two get up you have visitors!" April shouts at us.

I looked over my shoulder and I saw him. I smiled as I knew what had happened but that smile faded when I realized that just this morning this would've been Cole's bed and it would be Cole beside me. I quickly shook away my thoughts before getting dressed and heading downstairs with Chris. My mouth was wide open in shock when I saw my friends, the ones that for the past 12 years took care of me and held me in my darkest hours.


This was it. They were so pissed at me now.

"So this is why you left Cole then I take it!" Hunter snaps at me.

They all looked at me betrayal Andrew hurt in there eyes, I can't blame them I mean I would be hurt if Hunter did this to Jade.

"I'm sorry Cole but I need to find some answers" I told him.

Our eyes locked, once again they were filled with sadness and anger. I tried to be strong and so far it was working but I knew it wouldn't last long.

"Why do you need answers seems like you've already made up your mind?!" Derek snaps at me.

I had never seen any of them like this. They all looked at me with fire in there eyes, if I didn't act soon someone would get hurt.

Cole's pov:

I took one look at his smug face. He knew we were pissed at her for having sex with him but he didn't care. He just wanted her, he just wanted to touch her body and she let him. I was so pissed at him that no one could stop me. I walked up to him......

"COLE STOP!!!!" She screamed tears in her eyes.

I was on top of him punching his face making him bleed a bit more each time I was going to kill him if I don't stop but I couldn't. He caused all of this hurt and anger so he was going to get what he deserved. Suddenly I looked at her, tears were streaming down her face. I couldn't bear to see her like this, I knew she loved him. I could see it in her eyes that she did and I cant take away another person she loves not after everything she has been through. I knew I still loved her, I could never let her go but this isn't how I'm gonna get her back. I finally stopped punching him and got up. I took one last look at his blooded up face.

"Stay away from me or I will kill you" I spat at him before walking out the door my friends close behind.

"And YOU stay away from Cole or I will hurt you just like he did to your precious boyfriend" Derek tells her before following everyone else out.

As I walked out of the house I heard tears, her tears. I knew I'd never get her back now not after what I just did. I walked faster and faster trying to get away from her tears and sobbing but they wouldn't leave my thoughts.

"Cole slow down!" I hear Becky shout to me. I just walked faster but all I could her was her crying her eyes out telling me to stop. She was afraid of me and that's something I can never change..............

Omg can you believe I wrote this!? No joke I was actually crying when writing this chapter but everyone realizes how much they missed there ex's at some point so its life.


Will Georgia ever forgive Cole?? Will they end up together again or is it always gonna be Chris and Georgia?? Will the guys ever be friends with her after betraying Cole or is April her new friend? Is New York a quick phase or is it here to stay?? Find out in Chapter 15: Please Forgive Me!

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