chapter 39: Bruising Is In Fact A Sign Of Internal Bleeding....

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Georgia's pov:

I saw them. Those familiar eyes that once had me fall for him right back when I was a little girl. They made me feel like I was safe; now they don't. I look into those same eyes and feel nothing but pain as a single tear falls from the well of my eye.

I guess you never realise how much feelings change until you face them, until you look deep into their eyes and feel something different. That's when you know that you don't love them anymore. Yes, they may have given you the world, they may have made you feel like love is real; long story short they didn't.

That's me. That's it, I know that I don't love Christopher anymore and though it pains me to say it but the truth is I don't. It may hurt him but there is nothing I can do. You can't control love even though you try so hard to pull on the reins to stop it from going out of control you can't. You can't just wake up and be like "oh my god I'm going to fall in love with him today" because it doesn't work like that.

The real problem is how? How do I tell him I love Cole? How do I tell him that I want us to be friends without him walking away?


It's all I feel right now, I'm scared of what he'll do. What he'll say.

"Georgia.. plz I-i just need to tell you something" he muttered, his voice shaking as he said every word.

"What Christopher?" I answered my voice barely talking above a whisper.

"Georgia look.. I still love you and I know we can move on together, just like old times"

He said it. He said those 3 words I wish I'd never heard come out of his mouth.

My heart started to shatter, tiny pieces fell down my cheeks in my tears of pain.

"Chris I'm sorry.. I have to go"

And with that I ran. I ran far far away where he would never find me. That's what I do when things get too much, I run away from problems because I can't face them.

I tried to kill myself to avoid my problems and I wish I could; I can't.

Unfortunately life had other plans. Plans that, little did I know, would change my life forever.........

What do you think those plans might be? Cole still hasn't made an appearance do you think he ever will? Find out next time😉

.THE COMPLICATED LOVE STORY.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum