chapter 37: We Are Strong Enough

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Cole's pov:

2 weeks had passed, I hadn't been home or spoke to anyone in this time. I felt so bad; I couldn't see her go through that. I couldn't see her go through the pain and suffering because of what she had done.

I love her....

I love her madly but she's sleeping in his bed......

She's probably ran to him.....

Kissing him....

Touching him....

But it shouldn't be him in that position it should be me....

I should be there for her but instead I ran away like the coward I am...

Well you know what I'm not going to be a coward anymore, I'm not letting her go to him.

I need her more than anything and I'm not going to let her slip away all because I can't see her in pain.

If you love someone you learn to see them through the pain but not only do you watch them you help them.

I guess I have a lot to learn about love starting now.

I run to my car as fast as I can and start the engine. I need to get to her, I need to hold her like I've never held her before.

I notice a familiar street up ahead and pull into the driveway of a familiar house.

My heart raced as I opened the door..

"Georgia! Georgia are you here?" I shout but no answer came. I assumed that she finally went back to school or was at Christopher's house.

I just hoped that it was the first option.

Georgia's pov:

A shiver went down my spine as I knew who was in that house, even though he left without a trace I still want to run to him.

I want to hold him, kiss him like there's no tomorrow.

"Cole!" I shouted.

All of a sudden I saw a smirk on a face I knew all to well.

"So you're back?" I ask my heart breaking as realization kicked in.

I know I love him but if he loved me he wouldn't have ran away when I needed him most.

"Look Georgia let me explain please....." He pleaded.

A single tear fell down my cheek.

"No you could've explained before you left!! Look I know it might've hurt you to see me like that but you still had no excuse to leave!! My friends were hurt but they didn't leave just you and Chris did!!"

More tears fell down my cheek to the point where I had to stop sobs escaping my lips.

"Look I'm sorry Georgia I know I shouldn't have left but just let me explain please..."

"No Cole I can't!! I love you but you just left me! Left me to cry my eyes out, left me waiting for you to come back and you never showed!!"

It was in that moment that I just told Cole that I loved him. He looked at me as if I just told me he won the lottery. He just kept smiling and said 5 words I never thought I'd hear again....

"I love you too Georgia"........

She did it she finally confessed that she loves Cole!! Do you think it'll work out or do you think Georgia will never be able to forgive him? Let me know what you think!

Sorry it's a short chapter it's just more of a filler if I'm honest the next one will be filled with more drama I promise

Love ya all and see ya next time ❤️

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