Chapter 16: Love: True or Fake!

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Hey guys really hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you for taking your time to read this story I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it. Thank you for all the reads you've given this story it honestly means the world to me. Now on with Chapter 16!

I looked at him one last time before walking out. Maybe this was goodbye for me and Cole after all.........

Georgia's pov:

I walked into April's house to find her fast asleep on sofa.

Seriously, April! You pick the best times to go to sleep!

It was in these times that I wished my mom was still here so as I could talk to her. I bet you she'd know what to say right now. She'd know what I was feeling and who I wanted to be with; I don't have her by my side anymore. I don't have her to tell me what I'm doing wrong? What I should do in these situations?

Thinking about my mom bought tears to my eyes. I couldn't help it, I missed her so much. I just wanted to see her face again, feel her embrace as she hugged me tight. I needed her right now, I needed her advice. Tears came streaming down my face thinking about the fact that I'll never get to ask her for help with life experiences because she's not here anymore.

I left April a note in case she woke while I was out.

Hey April,

I just went out for a walk I'll be back soon ok x

I put on a hoodie and walked out the door.

I knew exactly who to go right now. All my life I've had a hidden secret that no one, not even Chris or April, knows. My mother had a younger sister who was 13 when I was born but she isn't biologically my auntie as she was adopted. When my family were murdered I had never met my auntie before so I never knew she existed but when I came to LA she managed to find me. She reached out to me when I was 14 so I haven't known her long but she told me that whenever I need help or advice to go to her. I've only been to her once for advice and that was when I needed help with Cole. I had only started to like him so I was very confused and went to her because I had no idea who else to go to about it, she told me to just go with the flow and let him to come to you. I mean it did work but then Christopher showed up and it all went down hill from there.

After a 10 minute walk, I finally arrived at my Auntie Ainsley's house. It had been just under 2 years since I had last seen her and I couldn't help but feel nervous. I mean what if she forgot who I was.

Stop talking silly Georgia!! She wouldn't have forgotten you!!

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Well hello Georgia long time no see" A woman's voice spoke out but one things for sure it wasn't my Auntie Ainsley's.................

I know this is a short chapter but it was only a filler chapter I promise the next chapter will be long with drama and tension.


Who is this mysterious woman at Georgia's Auntie's house? Will Chris make a full recovery or will Cole do something to stop it? Mason hasn't dated in while what will happen when he crosses with paths with someone he shouldn't and betrays the gangs trust? Find out in chapter 17: We trusted you!

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