Chapter 15: Please Forgive Me!

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I really hope you enjoy this chapter even with the horrible ending again. But its ok we can all cry together afterwards.

"Cole slow down!" I hear Becky shout to me. I just walked faster but all I could her was her crying her eyes out telling me to stop. She was afraid of me and that's something I can never change..............

Georgia's pov:

I couldn't process what had just happened. Why? I knew Cole didn't like Chris that much even when I told him about New York he didn't like him but that wasn't the Cole I knew. Had I really caused him this much pain that he would start a fight, that he would start violence. I had never be afraid of Cole; now I am rethinking whether I should be or not.

If I hadn't of stopped him he would've killed Chris, if I hadn't of stopped him he could've gone to jail. Why was he changing? Had I broke him that much that he decided to change who he was completely? Thousands of questions, endless possibilities. All I knew was whatever phase Cole was going through I had caused it. I broke his heart so much that it might not ever be whole again.

April and I took Chris to the hospital, the doctors said he had a mild concussion so they wanted to keep him overnight just to check on him. I was so worried about him, what if he wasn't going to be okay? What if it was something serious?

"Where do you live? I might as well drop you off home that way then nothing bad can happen to you as well." She asked me snapping me out of thoughts.

"I live with Cole so I don't really feel like going home." I answered her. She looked at me with sympathy.

Seriously, I don't need sympathy I have been through a lot more than this at a much younger age!!

"You can stay at mine and Christopher's then because your not going to live on with any of those other people that were at the fight" She told me.

This was one of things I loved about April she knows where I was going to go but stopped me because she knew I'd get hurt. April was like the sister I never had back in New York then I came to LA and found two amazing sisters. Truth is my family from New York never left me we just took a short break. There had always been there to support me through everything back then so why did I think they wouldn't now.

My friends just had to except that New York has always and will always be a part of my life.

"Thanks April" I replied. She smiled at me. I missed her and Chris so much and now that they are finally back it feels like they never left at all.

"But I need to see all of them for 2 minutes ok I promise nothing bad will happen I just need to find out why Cole changed?" April saw the determination in my eyes, she knew she wasn't going to stop so she just asked me where he lived and dealt with it.

I told her to just park the car at her house and we could walk to Cole's as they lived in the same street.

Oh the irony!

I knew Cole's mom would be work so the probability that all of them are at his house right now is quite high. I didn't even bother knocking, well considering its my house to I technically don't have to. I dragged April in with me and as I had predicted they were all there sat in the living room trying to come to terms with everything that had happened in the last couple of hours.

"What are doing here I thought we made it very clear that we didn't want to see you after what you did to Cole!" Mason shouts at me.

I looked at Cole, his eyes weren't sodden with tears and hurt anymore. They portrayed anger and revenge. I can't believe them! Cole nearly killed Chris and they don't ask if he is ok! I get that they don't like him hut there friend could've just become a murderer and they don't care. It's as if they wanted him to kill him, they wanted him to go to jail. I didn't.

I know I kissed Chris, I know I slept with him but that doesn't mean I didn't care about Cole because I do.

"Cole why have you changed?" I asked him. My voice broke at the last word, I tried so hard to hold back the tears.

"Oh I don't know maybe because after only 3 hours of dating him you kiss your ex, break up with him, then sleep with ex" Becky shouts at me.

"We all thought you loved Cole turns out we were wrong" Derek snaps at me backing up what Becky said.

Of course he's backing her up!

My eyes filled with tears, I told April I would meet her back at the house. As soon as April left I turned to face all of them, their eyes all filled with anger.

"I'm sorry ok but we all make mistakes at some point in our lives it what makes us human ok! I'm sorry that I'm human, I'm sorry that I've made a mistake but do you really think I'd be here if I didn't want to make things right huh?" I was screaming at them now whilst tears streamed down my face.

"I'm so sorry Cole, I just need time. I missed him and I forgot what it was like to be with him but I still care about you I do."

"Really then prove it" Hunter snaps at me.

"Fine" I snap back "If I didn't care about Cole I would have let him become a murderer , got to jail but I didn't. I never stopped the fight for Chris I stopped the fight so as one Chris didn't die but I also stopped it because funnily enough I didn't want him to go to jail"

"Right now she's proved that she does care about Cole can we get our friend back now?" Jade asks.

"Welcome back but I swear to god you hurt Cole again and I will kill you!" Derek tells me before pulling me in for a big hug.

"I think April is waiting for you so you'd better go but just make sure that when you finally choose who you want that you know you've made the right decision this time" Becky tells me.

I pull her in for big hug before glancing at Cole one last time. I realized that I was still afraid of the side I saw of him earlier but I knew him well enough to know he would never hurt me. So why did the question stick in my mind? Should I be afraid of Cole?

"Please forgive me I don't know what came over me, I guess I was just jealous of him getting to have you instead of me. Please don't be afraid of me." He told me with tears forming in his eyes.

"I'll never be afraid of you aren't getting rid of me that easily Cole" I smiled at him but I doubted what I said. Honestly I was scared of him, I don't know when he's gonna lash out at me again.

I looked at him one last time before walking out. Maybe this was goodbye for me and Cole after all.........

I know I'm sorry I have no idea why I am writing these kind of chapters at the moment but every story needs a good plot twist and well I guess I found it. We can all cry together its ok also I'm hopefully going to release a couple of edits for this story so look out for those!!


Will it be the end for Cole and Georgia? Will she ever feel safe around Cole again? What will happen when Chris comes out of hospital, will he seek revenge? Mason finds love as he meets someone new, find out who in Chapter 16: Love: True or Fake?

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