Chapter 30: Confessions (Part 2)

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Georgia's pov:

After around an hour of waiting I started to get worried. The people who I cared about were out there fighting for my life. Becky and Jade came to visit to make sure I was ok and (of course) April kept checking up on me.

Cole hadn't spoke to me since he told me he loved me. I don't blame him to be honest. I mean he told me he loved me and I just sat there, looking into his blue eyes. I wanted to believe him I really did;

what if it was just a game to stop me from getting with Chris?

I honestly don't know what I'm feeling. I know I like Christopher; There is no denying that. Things feel different now then they ever did before. You know how everyone says 'you'll know when you fall in love'? Well, it's true.
Feelings will change.
Emotions will change.
Life will change.
Things feel different.

The thing is though, I like Christopher but I love Cole. I want to be with him but he lies. He lies too much for me to believe him. He says things when he doesn't mean it. He doesn't love me trust me.

Even though I love him, I know in my heart that he never will feel the same without hurting me. I want to be that girl that hugs him, that holds him, that loves him with all her heart, that protects him.
But I never will be.

There are better girls out there, girls he can have amazing one night stands with so why me? Is this all just a game?

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. I saw them bloody and beaten up; Chris looked the worst.

"Oh my God, Christopher! Are you okay?" I ran over to him and hugged him tight. It felt different though, it wasn't like the hugs I had with Cole.

He glared at us and I knew what he was thinking; I didn't want him. I wanted Cole. I wanted him to love me and protect me. That's all just a dream.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air." And with that, Cole left the room leaving me in shock.

"Mom what happened? Where's Auntie Ainsley?"

She gave me the look and that's when I know that something was wrong.

"Honey your aunt didn't make it she got shot in the chest and there was nothing we could do to save her I'm so sorry"

Tears flooded down my face. She couldn't be gone. Whenever I needed anything I went to her she was like the mother I never had for 12 years of my life.

I ran out of the house not looking back at anyone or anything. I couldn't cope.

I kept running away from everything. Life was just too much now and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Georgia wait!" I heard a voice, his voice.

"Christopher please just go away. I just want to be alone right now."

"No Georgia I love you and I won't leave your side ever" I stood there in shock I mean what do I say?

I know I don't love Christopher because I love Cole; I don't want to lose Christopher. He is a really good friend of mine and if I lost him for good I don't know what I'd do. If I had to chose between Cole and Christopher though, I'd chose Cole in a heartbeat. Cole is the one I love, he's the one I want to be with.

"Chris I..."

My heart started to race. How? How was I going to tell him? I knew it would break his heart but the worst part is he'd know it was Cole I was in love with.

"Christopher I'm sorry but I love someone else" and with that I ran.

I ran far away. I couldn't face him not now. Tears streamed down my face, I've probably lost him and Cole all because of my feelings.

"Hey Georgia you're back?" I hear April say. "Christopher went looking for you"

"I know he found me but I ran away from him"

"Why what did he say?" Becky asks

"He told me he loved me".....

I saw Cole glare at me. Hurt and pain in his eyes. I couldn't stand to see him like this.

"What did you say to him?" Cole asked me. Pain evident in his voice.

"I didn't say anything I ran away but what does it matter to you?!"

"You know why it does"

"Oh yeah cause you just don't want me to get with him"

"Yeah cause you love him admit it!"

"No you know what Cole I don't love him I love you!" I screamed at him.

Everyone looked at me in shock.

Did I really just admit in front of everyone that I'm in love with Cole?...


Now that Georgia has finally confessed do you think there is another chance for her and Cole, or is their relationship history? Georgia's aunt dying will she be able to cope? How will Christopher deal with finding out about Cole? Find out in chapter 31: Love Just Got Complicated

Sorry for not updating in a while guys I've had really bad writers block and haven't been able to write anything but I have finally been able to update for you. Thank you to all of those who have continued to read this story even though I haven't always been quick at updating I love you all so much. I should hopefully have another chapter out by the weekend.

Don't forget to follow my on snapchat and Instagram for more updates on chapters!

Don't forget to follow my on snapchat and Instagram for more updates on chapters!

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