Chapter 33: This Is The end Or Is It?..

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Warning: this chapter has some very upsetting scenes if you get upset by self harm or read it with someone you trust.

Georgia's pov:

I felt the blade brush against my skin as a single tear fell down my cheek. My life flashed before me right in front of my eyes. All the pain I've suffered, all the lies I've been told, all the judgements that have been made.

I realize now that I can't live like this anymore, I can't live in this world of endless pain and sorrow. It's too much for me now. Another tear fell down my cheek.

Now I know what you're thinking that you could've gotten help. You could've gotten therapy to help you through this but truth is therapy just brings more misery because you know you're life is messed up. Therapy is never a friend to you and it never will be. It just makes your life even more hell then you're already in.

Truth is I had therapy, I had counselling right after the murder of my family. It hasn't worked. I'm still here wanting to leave this world I'm living in.

I felt the edge of the knife cut into my skin the pain was excruciating ; it was worth the pain. This time it wouldn't be an endless amount of pain it would over soon enough. A tiny speck of blood come out from my skin.

It's ok people saying you shouldn't waste your life but what if you don't think that your life is worth it? What if you feel like people would be better off without you? Everyone says that killing yourself shows that your weak but it doesn't. It shows that you've been strong for too long that you can't deal with the pain anymore.

Sometimes people just truly believe that they are better off being dead because they cause people to get annoyed at them, they cause people to be in pain, they cause people to hate them. I can't help who I am but I can help other people not want to do the same thing I'm doing by leaving them. I can make their lives better by not exsisting .

The knife dug deeper into my skin as the blade scraped my skin. Blood came pouring out as the knife cut deeper.

Suddenly I heard the door open and a voice I never thought I would hear again.


And with that I passed out.......

Sorry that it's another short chapter again I promise the next one is going to be longer thank you all so much for reading this story it means the world to me😭❤

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