Chapter 25: Fire and Ice

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Cole's pov:

"Guys, What are we going to do?" I hear Mason ask.

That was a good question, what were going to do? There's only a few people that can help us but they won't. They absolutely hate me just like I hate them.

"Come on"

"Cole where are we going?" I knew all my friends would hate me for this but they were the only people that could help us.

"We are going to see Georgia's and Christopher's family!" This was it, I was officially dead.

Time lapse

Derek's pov:

"I know you hate us but please we need your help"

"Why would we help you?" The sound of his voice makes me want to punch him.

"Because it's Georgia and you know Chris will never speak to you again if she gets hurt!!" Cole shouted at him so loudly.

Memories flooded back into my mind of when it all happened.

"Derek! Derek stop! Get off me!" She giggled. She always laughed when I tickled her.

"Not until you tell me who?"

"I can't! You know I can't spill the tea!" I tickled her even more and she began to have a laughing fit so loud, I thought I would be deaf at the end of it.

"Just spill the tea and I'll stop"

"Fine I'm dating Jason West!" She told me and I stopped tickling her immediately.

I stood there froze to the spot I couldn't move a muscle. She was dating him! Why him of all People? He was a spy for the agency who lived in LA but above all he was best friends with Christopher Reynolds.

I get she's 4 years older than me but I still have to protect her from them. The darkest people that I was soon to become enemies with as soon as I'm old enough...

"Cole I'm sorry but.."

"But what?" I pressured him into to telling me. Cole deserved to know what was going on.

"We think Georgia is dead..."


Is Georgia dead?? How will Cole react if she is?? Is Christopher going to be happy seeing his dad back in town? Find out in chapter 26: You left me

Omg you guys are making me soo happy!!! I can't believe we are at 350 reads never in a million years did I think this story would get this far. I love you all so much I couldn't have done this without you.

I'm really sorry for not updating I've been on holiday and haven't had any internet access.

I love you all and I will be updating another chapter today so look out for it❤️

Dont forget to add me on Instagram or Snapchat for regular updates!❤️

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