chapter 3: The Deal

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Hey guys this chapter is gonna be longer than the last one really hope you enjoy it loves❤️

"What's in it for me?" I asked him trying to make it a win-win situation. But he replied with something totally different.

"How about the time of your life? You know what they say the virgins are the craziest in bed..........." He licked his lips as he said that.

Before leaning in towards my face until I felt his soft lips crash onto mine.

The kiss sparked more passion as it got deeper. We kissed each other like our lives depended on it. Neither of us wanted to stop, we couldn't. The kiss contained so much passion and desire as he pushed me against the lockers. Not breaking the kiss. I couldn't believe this was happening. But out of every girl in the school he chose to kiss me. ME!!!!!! I hardly doubt he's kissed anyone with this amount of passion and desire. Finally we both decided to let go, panting as we catch our breath. The whole school is starting at us, most of the girls giving me dirty glares because I kissed Cole. I kissed Cole! WOW! Even I can't believe what happened is true.

" Well I'll see you later Georgia " He whispered next to my ear before walking off with the rest of the fuckboy gang. Becky and Jade looked at me, their mouths wide open in shock. They couldn't believe what just happened more than I could.

"You just kissed the fuckboy COLE HAYES" Becky exclaimed in a bit of a pissed off way. Why was she angry at me??? That was my first kiss after all.

"Becky we have to go" Jade inquired before her and Becky walk off. I can't believe because I kissed Cole that I have lost my only friends. I can't lose them! I just can't! They are the people that have helped me through everything, they have supported me through any worries I have had. They are my sisters! And I am not giving up on them, cause that's not what sisters do!

My first lesson is Music all morning, so I decided to wait til lunch to try and sort things out between us. I couldn't concentrate. All I could think of is how I could lose my sisters over some stupid kiss that literately meant nothing to me.

Why was I so stupid? I didn't have to kiss him back but I did. And now I could lose the only real family I have left in this crumbling world.

As soon as I hear the bell I race down to the canteen. Desperate to try and sort things out with the only two people that I really care about.

Flashback- 12 years ago

I was 4 at the time I lost my family. It was my birthday and all my family had gathered to celebrate. My auntie, uncle, 2 cousins, granddad and nan where all there to celebrate. it was 8pm and I had decided to go to bed(my cousins were older than me so had a later bed time) my family decided to stay for an 1 hour and have a catch up. 9pm. I woke up to the sound of gun shots coming from downstairs, I silently crept down stairs to see 2 men dressed all in black leaving the property. I never got a good look at their faces but I wish I had. For 12 years I have wanted to avenge my family's murder and get them the justice they deserve. It has been 12 years yet I can still remember their helpless bodies lying their on the floor drowned in blood.

I vowed after that day that I would never lose another family member ever again. I cant lose my last family members over some stupid kiss.

flashback-12 years ago

The police arrived and found me sat next to my mom crying my eyes out.

"Excuse me do you have any other family that you could stay with?" the police officer questioned me. I shook my head ever so slightly as if to say I didn't which is true. All my family were lying on that floor dead, right before my eyes. The police officer looked at me with so much sympathy on his face, I didn't want sympathy. It had happened. There was nothing I could do to stop it or change it.

"I need to take you to the station to find a family who will adopt you" he said very supportively. I took his hand and he lead me to his car. Leaving my family behind, dead on the floor. I knew that I'd never really leave them because they will always be in my heart.

I walk over to their table with tears in my eyes that gently stream down my cheeks. They both looked at me with sympathy. Sympathy. There was that word, the word I hated because that was all people gave me since that night 12 years ago.

" I can't lose you!" I cried out to them. " Your the only real family I have left please I cant lose you two either" Suddenly they both got up and gave me a massive hug, I loved these two girls so much.

"You could never lose us we love you so much!!" Jade exclaimed as she hugged me even tighter.

"I'm so sorry I kissed Cole it didn't mean anything to me and I honestly thought that I lost you over some stupid kiss and I couldn't deal with it" I cried out to them.

" Hey it was a mistake we know you don't care about him so let's move on from it agreed" Becky said.

"Agreed" Jade and I replied at the same time.

I was so glad to have my family back. If I lost any more of my family I don't know what I would do? I still wish that I could change that night and have stopped those stupid people from killing the people that raised me. I know I couldn't stop them but I wish that I knew who did it? I've always been looking for them, I still am. My family need to be avenged and I wont give up until I have given them the justice they deserve.

Sorry this chapter has taken so long to come out. I have been very busy with family and I have had writers block but I'm hopefully going go release the next chapter by next week at the latest. I really hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you next time loves❤️

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