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Hey guys, really sorry this isn't a proper chapter but I made an edit on when Georgia leaves Cole so I thought I'd post it for you guys to look it. It's ok we can cry together afterwards 😭😭

I do more edits on my Instagram account @episode.laurenw13 , they are all episode edits but if you would like to have a look at them then feel free. Some of the first ones are quite bad but the new one I've been working on is one of the best I have done so I should hopefully be able to post that on my Instagram soon.

I really hope you guys like it and I'm sorry its very depressing but its the biggest thing that has happened in the story so far, I know I'm sorry for writing this but every story has to have a dramatic plot twist and I guess I found it.

I'm really sorry that a chapter hasn't been updated I have been very busy this week and I've had writers block so while you wait for a new chapter I thought I would make an edit for you while you wait i have started to write chapter 16 but its not quite ready yet but it should be out soon just please be patient it will come out. I am going to continue this story unless many people say they don't want me to. I've planned this story to be between 30-40 chapters maybe even more, but I'm curious to see if you guys would like there to be a sequel. I have started to plan an idea for a sequel but if no one wants one then I'll start a fresh story. Comment if you would like to see this book have a sequel.

Thanks guys I really hope you enjoy this edit, love you all so much!!

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