Chapter 20: Rejection Made The Player Cry!

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Derek's pov:

As I watched the woman I love taken off me a tear formed in my eye and streamed down my face. Thousands of questions spiralling in my head as I watched the doctors help her. Chaos. Pain. Two words that described the situation I was in right now. Why was this happening to me? Cole didn't have this nor did Mason and Hunter, it was just me. Sobbing my eyes out praying that my sweet little Becky would come back to me. My tears came running down my face as I remember the last words I said to her before she went unconscious.

The blood was going all over my hands as I ran faster and faster desperately trying to get her to the hospital. I couldn't think about anything. All I knew was I needed her to hear three words. Three words that could change everything.

"I love you Becky never forget it, hold onto it because you're going to live I promise"...............

Then she went unconscious and I just desperately wonder if she heard it. I needed her to. If those were the last words she ever heard she needed to hear them. I do love her and even if she doesn't love me back at least she knows that I do. All I had to hope was that she heard it, that was enough for now....................

Cole's pov:

I sat in my room, my head in my hands. Overthinking had now become my new enemy. All I could think about was if this was even going to work and even if it did work she probably knows its me doesn't she? I couldn't let anything happen to MY Georgia. I say it as if she's an object but she deserves someone better than him. Someone who has never left her side, someone who has the same interests as her and most importantly someone who loves her.

I love her so much that no matter how made or upset am I ,I'll look at her gorgeous smile and know that everything will be ok because I have her. She is the reason I smile, the reason I have changed. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her. Its really quite amazing how much one person can change everything you are? It was then that I realised that this wasn't who I was. This wasn't who she had changed me to be. What I was doing was wrong and I had to go and make it right. I had to do it for her, I walked out the room ready to make things right.......................................

Derek's pov:

I waited. I waited for what seemed like hours before someone came out of the room. My heart skipped a beat, my pule was racing. Little did I know that the future would kill my heart.

"Surgery went very well she is stable and you should be able to take her home in an hour we just need to do one last check up over her" The doctor told us before he walked back into he room.

I sighed in relief. My sweet Becky was ok, she's alive but now the one dreaded question stuck in my mind: How would she react to my confession? I sat there for an hour thinking about what would happen I mean what if she doesn't feel the same?

"Guys I'm going to head home can you tell Becky to message me when she's home please?" I asked them.

"Sure just make sure you don't do anything stupid dude alright!" He knows whenever I'm worried about something sex calms me down but not in this case.

"Don't worry bro I wont do that this time!" I replied back shuddering at the person I was before I met this little ray of sunshine who made me realise that even the biggest player can fall in love.

With that I walked out the hospital to the shopping mall. If I was going to have to make another confession I wanted it to be special; just like her. However I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw someone walking down the street.

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