chapter 36: Wishes Do Eventually Come True

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Georgia's pov:

It had been a week since my little incident and I had to say I finally felt happy again. I had all my friends around me supporting me, trying to help me through the struggles; it wasn't enough.

As much as I can say I'm happy I'm not 100% ok. There's still that pit in my heart that wants him to come back. I want to hold him like I've never held him before, I want to kiss him like it's my last day on Earth.

No matter what I said or did Cole never showed.

It was like even though the sun was shining there was still a darkness without him by my side. He'd been avoiding my calls and texts, hell he hadn't even come home in a week.

Not even the guys knew where he was and that worried me. Something wasn't right I could feel it, Cole was in danger and I had to do something.

Another week had past and Cole was still a no show. Jade and Becky had managed to convince me to go back to school, so here I was sat in Becky's car on a Monday morning going to school.

"Becky what if everyone just stares at me I mean they probably all know what happened?"

"Hey look at me so what if they stare at you, you have me, Jade and the guys right behind you! You can do this we believe in you just ignore everyone ok"

"But Becky what if they start asking about Cole then-"

"You ignore them ok trust me you can do this now let's get out of the car before we're late to class"

In some ways Becky was right if I had her, Jade and the guys I'll be fine but the only issue was I don't have many classes with them maths and science being the only two. The only person who I shared most classes with was Cole....

Man even thinking about him hurts, I guess this is what happens when you fall on love with someone who just suddenly disappears on you.

I walked into school and funnily enough I was right, everyone's eyes were on me some people even whispering as I passed them.

"Just ignore them ok" I hear Becky whisper into my ear.

We get to my locker and all of a sudden I hear a loud shriek.

"Ahhhh OMG Georgia you actually came!!" Jade screams as she engulfs me into a massive hug

I missed her a lot and well I guess she missed me.

As the school day went on my mind couldn't help thinking about Cole but not only was Cole on my mind so was Christopher. Was it possible to love one but like the other?

Christopher had also been a no show for 2 weeks no one had seen or heard from either of these two mysterious boys. My life without them seemed to be very dull.

I couldn't help but wonder why he was avoiding me, I mean April was here she was hanging out with Mason so it's obvious Chris was avoiding me. The only problem is every time I ask April about him she just suddenly goes tense and says she knows nothing and if I know April, which I do considering we were best friends for so long, I know she's hiding something.

"Hey guys I'm going to have to call a raincheck on going back to school I'm not feeling well" I mutter

"Ok well get better soon, if you need anything call me ok" Becky tells me.

"I will Becks I promise"

I pull her in for a hug before leaving the school building. I make my way home trying desperately not to think about them; that's easier said than done.

A single tear falls from the well of my eye as a cloud covered the sun in the sky.

All my happiness had gone without them it was like no matter how hard I tried to be happy there was a darkness without them.

As I walked into my street I noticed a very familiar car in the driveway and I thought to myself wow wishes do eventually come true..........

As I walked into my street I noticed a very familiar car in the driveway and I thought to myself wow wishes do eventually come true

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Who's car is in the driveway I wonder?🤔 Find out next time 😉

Also I had to include one of the best people ever in this chapter!! Brendon released his high hopes video and I couldn't resist sorry😂🤦

See ya next time ❤️

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