Chapter 41- This wasn't supposed to happen

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"Cole, guys I'm pregnant"

The room went silent. I stood and waited. Waited for someone, anyone, to say something.

"You're what?" Cole asked, tears forming in those beautiful blue eyes of his.

"I'm... Pregnant"

The silence filled the room again.

I look at Cole, he looked at me.

This was never supposed to happen, we were supposed to keep our relationship a secret and then run away together just me and him against the world; now I don't know what will happen.

"Omg come here sweetie" Becky pulled me in for a hug and the tears fell from my eyes.

This was a mistake.

We should never have did what we did 2 weeks ago.

I should have stopped him; I didn't.

"I'm sorry Cole I know this wasn't supposed to happen... I can get rid of it you know... This can all go away... We can run away and just forget about everything.... This can just be a mistake we never remember..."

Tears streamed down my face at the thought of having to get rid of this baby, truth is I've always wanted a kid and I wouldn't have it with anyone else but my dad would kill him and then the baby would be without a father and I can't do that to my kid. I can't give it the life I had.

"No! Don't ever say you'll get rid of it! I don't care about your dad Georgia I want this kid, with you. I want a life, with you. We can work this out together just like we always do"

I ran into his arms and cried into his chest.

We wanted each other because we knew that no matter what we'd always protect each other.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed

"It's ok princess"

"I want it to Cole. I want everything that you said but I... I can't lose you. I won't get rid of this child because I want it just as much as you do believe me.."

"Why do I feel like there is gonna be a catch to this sentence?" Derek said.

"Shut up Derek" Becky shouted

"But Cole we can't stay here... None of us can we have to run away and raise this kid in a safe place together."

"One problem we've got no where else to go" Mason added.

"Yeah we do. My aunt's got a penthouse in New York big enough for all of us we could go live there. So what do you guys say wanna raise a kid in new York?".....

Silence. It echoed around the room.

Another tear fell. Another heart broke. Another moment passed.

The silence still loomed around the room causing my every nerve to shake.

"You know what I'm in!" Cole exclaimed breaking the silence.

"Count me in girl" Becky added.

"Oh girl you know I'll help" Jade said

"Screw it we're all in!"

The all hugged me and in that moment I knew everything would be ok and that it was finally time to raise a kid.

I don't know what my life was gonna turn out like but I guess enjoyed the unknown, it was like predicting a book (sort of).

Well that was it we packed our bags and said goodbye to California. This was like our fresh start away from gangs and any other bad mistakes in our life (cough Christopher cough). I mean don't get me wrong I still love Chris and April I just love them as friends.

Good news April came with us, Mason told her and well she didn't need convincing.

New York. The place was I born. The place were my kid would be born.

This was my life.

It was messy, complicated, sad, happy, dangerous but above all amazing. I wouldn't change a thing about it, and you know I hope that beautiful baby gets that life I had. I hope they fall in love with someone that protects them, that fights for them every chance they get, that loves them unconditionally for their long life.

I hope that one day I walk that baby down the isle to the love of her life just like I hoped to do one day. I mean I'm only 16 so it's probs not gonna happen yet but someday I hope it will.

You know I wish that was the end of the story. Me being happy in New York with my beautiful baby and my loving boyfriend; well I'm writing this story in California so somewhere along the way something went wrong.

I mean it might have gone wrong, who knows.

Well for now this is the end we'll have the happy ending but don't get expecting it again because your hopes might slip....

Omg thank you guys so much for reading this book I'm afraid though that's the last chapter of A complicated love story!!😭

Don't worry though like it said it's not the end of the story their is a sequel coming very soon.

I'd love to hear some of theories you'd like to see happen in the sequel message me them and I might just incorporate them into it.

Also I'm very sorry about this chapter to come out I had writers block for ages trying to come up with what to do for the ending but here it is.

I'll post a teaser to the sequel and it's release date by the end of the week.

I'm so excited!!

Thank you again to all of you who read this book it means the world to me I love you all!!❤️

See you soon!

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