Chapter 45

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 The hotel sits off the road a little ways not really seen from the road which seems like a good place to hunker down until we leave. I throw my bag over my shoulder and follow Roan into the hotel. He talks to the lady behind the service desk and she smiles and blushes looking at all the men standing around. I hear her say something about never seeing so many Alphas in one place. I shake my head and look around the lobby. Pictures of the humans royals line the walls, but one picture catches my eye. Kyle's family stand in front of the hotel. Kyle has a huge smile on his face and his mom and dad seem so happy in the picture. I trace Kyle's face and force myself to look away. I keep looking at the pictures on the wall and see a type of blue print of the castle.

"Hey Roan." I call. He looks at me and lets Max continue making sure everything runs over smoothly.

"Doesnt this look like a blue print to the castle?" I ask.

"Why would they display the castle like that here?" Roan ask.

"Stupidity or they never thought someone would try to take the castle. I bet they never thought a dutchess would take thte castle from the inside." I say.

"Very true but I cant help but agree that, that seems very stupid." Roan says.

"Rooms are ready." Max says.

"Meet up in an hour and we will take back the palace." I say. Max nods and hands me my key. I walk around the room some more and make it back to Kyle's picture.

"He is handsome isn't he?" I look up at the lady behind the desk stands next to me.

"He is." I say.

"Cant believe he was willing to give up the crown for his mate." She says. I stand still hoping my mouth isn't gaping open.

"He was going to give up the crown?" I ask.

"From what is being said him and the king got into it about him leaving to go back to the Americas to be with his mate. The king didn't understand why she couldn't just come here, and when Prince Kyle said she wanted to stay with her people the King lost his sense. He threatened Prince Kyle by telling him he would be banished and stripped of his titles. Prince Kyle was fine with it, but nothing has been reported out of the palace in a few days so maybe he went back to his mate." She says.

"Why give the crown up?" I ask.

"I guess if you love someone like he loves her its the only thing you can do. " She looks at me and smiles.

"Your from America right?" She ask.

"I am." 

"Do you know of the Alpha Skye of the Moon Runner pack?" She ask.

"No. I've heard of her. I've heard she is an ass and doesn't play well with others. Ive heard she is impulsive and doesn't really regard others safety. " I say. She laughs and looks at me.

"Well to turn the heart of the prince she must be something else. Ive heard wonderful things about the Alpha, and I hope she knows how loved she is by the prince." She leaves me standing in the lobby by myself.

I turn and start up the stairs to find my room. I walk down the halls till I see my room. I turn the key and let the door swing open. I fling my bag on my bed and  throw myself onto the bed.


Kyle if you can hear me we are coming for you. Be ready when we get there. I love you.

I close my eyes let myself drift off into a nice sleep. 

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