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Crushed heart solidified to a brutal and heartless rogue.

She feared him not because of who he is but because of what he made her saw through his Hazels, how he tortured and reprimanded her with them.

With her dark shade of eyes, she is able to catch a glimpse at his benevolent side but the most domineering is his malevolent structure.

If his past is as crucial as he displayed himself to her then, what does the present and future behoves? With their bipolar moods, will life ever twist and fit into their fated knot? Will forbearance mark their end or the beginning of a faithful journey?


If being Khaldun's wife was to be tagged, it was a note worth every cent, every pain and every sacrifice she'd made all through her stay with him.


Okay, Assalamu Alaikum to you all! Now, let's get this clear...

• This book is an Islamic based story. I ain't saying that everything it contains is totally based on Islamic cultures and belief or the related, No. Neither is this book 'a guide to converting one to Islam'. It's a fictional book based on the life of Muslims and how they manage to cope life with their belief. No one is perfect, neither fictional characters can be perfect too. We all make mistakes so does characters. There might be some things that are totally against the Islamic law, I'm not endorsing such activities neither am I judging those that engage in it, all I know is that they are haraam and I only included them in this book so as to shade more light on such mistakes and help fellow human beings correct their lives.

• Also, this story is highly based on the imagination of my pumpkin brain. If you think it depicts the life of someone you know then I'm sorry. It's totally based on my imagination. I worked day and night to get all the hinges of this book in close proximity so as to sustain every act upto the climax and to the epilogue. Any resemblance to a wattpad story is just a mere coincidence.

• If you are an emotional character then better get your tissues and box of chocolate to sustain you (if you're allergic to it then, get what will suit you) upto the epilogue because there are a lot of agonising plot twists in this book. The title reads it all... Expectations and Reality. I can not promise what I can not fulfill, there are tragic events in this book.

Plagiarism. I beg of you, no one should publish even an ounce of my story in any form of social platform claiming it's his/hers. I spend sleepless nights and tiresome days just to write some bit of my everyday musings here, I wouldn't want to be blurred from what's mine. Please, refrain from such acts.

I guess I'm tired of writing now. Yes, say it again, I can sometimes be a lazy head.

Also, all the images that I might include in this book later on aren't mine, even the one at the cover, they all belong to the rightful owners.


Nusaiba Mustapha.

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