Chapter 21 ~ Where she belongs

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A/N: Thanks again for the likes/votes! :) I decided I'm going to keep Kyle around for a little bit, and mess with it. Let me know what you think about him. This is a long one, mostly dialouge. Haha.

As for that glitch before, I think its all cleared up. If anyone's having trouble viewing this, let me know. Oh, and remember to hit that little star button in the corner, and type something in the comments! XOXO HM


Adriana and Kyle soon reach the cafe, and sit down in the corner staring at each other for a while before Kyle is the first to speak. "So, other then being Klaus Mikaelson's daughter, what else can you tell me about yourself?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee. 

Adriana pauses to think this question over, and pulls a peice of blonde hair out of the corner of her mouth that is barely visable. "Well... You could say that I'm... Coming into myself, and finding out who I am right now. I've had a bad.. Week actually, and I got really upset with my father and stormed out. Classic me." She says, and takes a sip of her coffee. It makes her feel nauseous, but she keeps it down. 

"Hey, we all get into arguments with our parents. It's nothing to be upset over, you'll both get over it." He says, looking genunily concerned and willing to talk about it.

"I know, but not all of you have an Original Hybrid as your father. Either way, this time was different, it was more like... Like he - my father - didn't want to accept what I was saying. Like it was some kind of sick joke ya know?" She says, and leans back in her chair. 

"Yeah, well, maybe he just isn't ready for whatever it is yet. People tend to not want to accept things right away, especially Klaus." Kyle shrugs, and messes with his daylight ring. 

"Well, enough sad stories about me. What about you? Your all.. Mysterious and dark over there." She says teasingly, but with a hint of seriousness. 

"Well, I was changed into a vampire 400 years ago by Marcel. We were friends before I changed, so we just stayed that way." He says shrugging again, and Adriana nods slightly. 

"Okay. I don't really know much about Marcel other then the fact that he's my god-father and my father's best friend. They never really had time to tell me about them. When did you meet Marcel?" She asks, pulling one leg up onto the chair and shifting her balance to the other side. 

"After I moved here with my family. He was at first my travel guide, and then we became fast friends. During my time here, I was mobbed and almost died when Marcel saved me. He got me a daylight ring, taught me the ropes, the whole nine yards. There really isn't much to say about us." Kyle responds, and smiles warmly at her.

"Wow, I'm glad that you survived that. Who else would I have a pity party with?" She teases him, and orders a large water from the waitress and takes a long drink.

He laughs in response, and finishes off his coffee. Now there just staring at each, there eyes locked on each other and there faces flushed. The sparks between them slowly turning into a fire...


Klaus storms through the French Quarter, his eyes blazing red with the fury inside of him. What the hell was she thinking?? She doesn't know these parts! If something happened to her I sware to god.. He doesn't even finish his sentence before he dashes into the compound, and snaps a day walkers neck in front of Marcel. "I was hoping you could do something for me." He snarls, and Marcel glares at him.

"Dammit Klaus, that was my best day walker!" Marcel yells back, but stops by the menacing look in his mentors eyes. "What's wrong Kl-" But he doesn't get to finish before he is slammed up against a wall, being help up by just by his neck.

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