Chapter 40 ~ This Black Heart of Mine is Breaking

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A/N: This picks up right where chapter 39 left off :) 


Start Adriana's POV

I stop vamp running once I reach the city, and head towards the compound immediately. Once I get there, everyone is already gone. Looking up the sky, I didn't realize that the sun was long gone, and the full moon has already risen. I must not have been paying attention to the time of day, and by this time the wolves and vampires were already there... Which means, I've failed. Again.

Pure anger rushes through my body, and I growl a deep menacing growl. "God dammit!" I yell, and throw a chair into a wall. Watching it shattering into a million smithereens gives me a sense of happiness and pride, that I don't think I would have received in any other way.

Suddenly, I remember why I am here. Pulling out the knife from my pocket, I hold it up, my heart pounding a mile a minute. "I will get you out Rana, I promise. I just have to figure out how, and I know that there's a spell for this somewhere. There's has to be a spell for this somewhere, I know there is. But first, I have to do something else that is really important." I slide the knife into my boot, and my phone vibrates.

10:30pm Aunt Bex: We've got this covered, take care of things there. Kyle won't be able to turn the switch back on until Briar does a potion with her blood. Astra is playing a game, a game that we HAVE to win. Be Safe. I Love You.

10:32pm Adri: Okay, Astra is strong in her numbers but not her skill. You can target them by taking out a bunch of them at once. I'll deal with Kyle. Be safe to. Text me if anything changes, and I'll be there. Love You to.

A Few Hours Later

I pace nervously on the rooftop, constantly looking around, and checking my back for wolves. A howl echo's in the distance, and I sigh slightly; knowing that my mom is out there as a wolf is not helping my nerves. The sound of gushing wind echo's in my ears, and I smile slightly turning around. "Kyle."


End Adriana's POV, Sart Briar Rose's POV

I look around at the battlefield with wide eyes, and they take in all the bloody and decapitated bodies. The bodies of vampires, werewolves and witches cover the blood stained grass, and hearts and heads lay scattered around the clearing. The smell of blood and death is overwhelming, and I put my hand over my mouth to keep from gagging. 

"Is everyone okay?" I call out, my head throbbing from the magic and I rub my side where a stake had gone through my rib cage. 

Audible groans can be heard echoing through the battlefield, and Rebekah is the first one to answer. "Yeah, I'm bloody fine!" She snaps annoyingly, and I smirk at her. Her hair is messed up, and her shirt, jeans, and boots are covered in blood.  

Elijah moves beside her, and takes her arm and leads her towards me. "I'm fine, good fighting." He says in a breeze, and barely looks up at me.

While they head to the car, I can't help but wonder about what Astra said. Am I really related to her? Can I really fix Kyle? Or is it all just a prank? If she really is my family, then I just got closer to finding out where I come from... But do I really want to know? These thoughts and more swim around in my brain, trying to find answers. 

"Nice fighting sweetheart." A thick British accent filled the air from behind me, and I freeze up.

Anger, sadness, and frustration fills my body. I raise my head up, before turning around slamming him into the ground by his throat, hissing and snarling at the same time. A furious feeling rushes through my veins, and it clouds out everything else. I've never felt this feeling before, and my eyes are red with rage. 

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