Chapter 23 ~ Let go

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A/N: Yes, the last chapters was ridicoulsy short.  But, I am not going to give up on writing a long one for you guys! This might seem a bit far fetched, but just read it all the way through please. XOXO HM

Adriana wanders through the warehouse, and walks upstairs the musty smell filling her nose and making her cough. She rubs her nose as she enters a large room, the floor covered with stacks of notebooks and file folders.

She looks over her shoulder to make sure Kyle wasn't coming inside, before kneeling on the ground and sorting through the notebooks. She finds one that looks newer, and picks it up tracing the symbols ingraved within the leather binding.

Hesitantly she opens it, and skims through the pages of the book. She pauses when a name catches her eye, and she gasps slightly.

"Today Marcel asked me to keep an eye on a pregnant werewolf named Hayley, only telling me that it's Klaus Mikaelson the Original Hybrid's girlfriend or something lik that. Elledgedly she is carrying his child, and need protection.," She takes a deep breath.

"Everyone fears this thing, and many want it dead I think Marcel does to. At least in his own way, and if the rumors are true, then I do to. Everyone does, this creature or whatever it is should never be born. If it's really a..." But she can't finish reading it for tears are in her eyes, and she covers her mouth with one hand trying to muffle her cries. Shaking her head she stands up when the sound of gushing wind and the closing of a door reach her ears.

Turning around she wipes away her tears, and hides the journal behind her back. "K-Kyle? Is that you? Hello?" Adriana calls out, and hears the sound of creeping floor boards and the shadow of a person dressed in a hat and heavy sweatshirt.

Swallowing hard, she looks around fear creeping through her body and a tingling sensation shoots through her stomach almost making her cringe. She turns around and screams; the person is standing right in front of her.


Hayley paces through the Mikaelson mansion, rapdily texting her friends throughout the quarter about Adriana. She runs a hand through her hair, and sits down feeling exauhsted from everything that's been happening.

She hasn't been able to catch a break at all, it's always fighting and protecting her daughter whom she would die for. Sighing, she closes her eyes just as her phone rings and she answers it immediatly after seeing it's Klaus. "Klaus, did you find her?" She asks worriedly, and stands up.

"Not yet little wolf, but i have everyone scowering all of New Orleans until I find her." He responds, while walking through the Quarter.

"I still don't get why I can't be helping you! I'm not pregnant anymore, I can take care of myself. Let me help." She barely gets the words out before Klaus speaks harshly and firmly.

"Well, you sure proved that before. But your still not coming, it''s dangerous and your not immortal. That's the end of discussion. Now, have you heard from Rebekah? She's ignoring me.." A worried tone is in his voice, which surprises Hayley but she quickly recovers with the first thing that pops into her head.

"Rebekah, ignoring you? Really? That's a real shocker to me!" She says sarcastically, and she waits for a witty remark but when she doesn't get one she wrinkles her brow.

"Hello? Klaus? Are you there?" She holds out the phone and sees the 'call ended' flash up on the screen and she huffs.

"He hung up on me! That narssasitic bastard!" She pockets her phone, and grabs her jacket before heading outside. Why the hell am I sitting around her while my own daughter is out in the biggest danger there is? I'm finding her, even if I have to kill every vampire in New Orleans to do it!


"I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that baby mama wasn't much of help?" Rana asks Klaus as she treks through the woods, the mud up to her ankles and ruining her jeans as well as her rainboots. But nothing a good cleaning spell couldn't fix up. "Look, Klaus, you know you can trust me... Right?"

Klaus growls and glares at her, pausing to listen and sniff the air for his daughters scent. But he doesn't hear or smell anything, causing him to frown. "Trust is a gift that you are not blessed with."

"You know, that sounds like something Elijah would say not you. By the way, you and Elijah are a lot alike sometimes. Almost like your the same person" She earns a devils glare from Klaus, causing her to raise one eyebrow at him.

"Elijah and I are far from similar. He prefers to make petty agreements, while I like to take care of things quickly and slightly bloodier."

"What I meant was, in some ways you are. 1,000 years is a long time to get to know somebody. Yet here we are, lost in the middle of the woods, and you haven't called him once. Yet you've called everyone else, even a day walker - who by the way is really hot - and has no realtionship with you at all."

With an annoyed sigh her stops and turns towards her, "Rana, I suggest that if you still want to keep your tounge to shut up love." Klaus snarls and turns around storming ahead.

She snorts and tilts her chin upwards and a loudcrack shoots through the air, and  Klaus screams in pain falling to the ground as every bone from his waist down shatters.

"I'm normally pationt with you, but not anymore. I'm not some chew toy, and neither is Adriana. She's 16! Whether you want to believe it or not. Let her have some freedom, she'll come back later when she's ready, every teenage girl does something like this. She can take care of herself."  She says, and nods and his bones return to normal.

"Let her go.. You might be used to everyone bowing down to you, but she's your daughter and your her father. Your relationship isn't like everyone else's, you put her before youself. She's not a  nightwalker that you have to boss around. So let her go, she'll come back trust me." Rana speaks softly.

Klaus looks up at the stretch of woods before him, before standing up and turning around, tears in his eyes. He darts off, and towards the city.

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