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Denzel P.O.V

The next morning I arrived at the studio at the original time 9:30am. When I went inside I saw everyone already there except, the boss. Everyone else was either doing stretches and trying to warm up or they were talking to other and conversating. Even Gil was there doing his own thing. I of course was worried and wondering why she was the only one who wasn't here. So I decided to go ask Gil what was going on.

"Hey, Gil do you know why the boss isn't here yet? I know she gets busy sometimes, but I'm worried." Gil squinted.

"I'm not sure. I've called her and sent her texts, but she hasn't responded which isn't like her. But I'm sure she'll be here any minute."

I sighed as I nodded my head. Gil was her best friend. If he couldn't get in contact with her I knew that neither of us would be able to do so either. I turned around as I rubbed my head. Everyone else seemed not so worried about the boss missing in action. It was almost as if they knew that she'd show up regardless, but I was worried and waiting.

Five minutes passed and she finally walked in wearing shades. Her demeanor was changed. It wasn't like her normal happy preppy self. It was more like how she was the first day. Something heavy was on her mind.

"Alright guys let's get right into it." The boss took off her shades. Gil squinted.

"Um, do you want to apologize for being late?"

"Gil, please... I'm not in the mood right now. Let's just do this." She inhaled deeply trying to stay calm, then squeezed the bridge of her nose, sighing in annoyance.

This was definitely unlike her. I had to get to the bottom of this.

"Alright, fine. Since you are the boss. Let's get right into it. Everyone take your positions. But don't forget after this rehearsal you have to stay behind to put in your input on the song mixes that will be in the show."

"Yeah, okay." Gil squinted again. 

The boss took her position in the middle of the room as Gil started the music to 'Nasty' we did the choreography to If, The Pleasure Principal, Control, Escapade, and Throb. Since today was the last rehearsal before we traveled to Layette, Louisiana we wanted to go hard one last time. After hours of grueling rehearsal we were finally done and everything was over. The boss's attitude hadn't changed much from the time she'd walked into the studio to now. I knew that something was up. It was time to find out. Especially since everyone had gone and she was the only one here left to deal with the music and the mixes. I decided to give her a hand.

"Hey, I know that you probably don't want to talk but are you okay?" She turned around to look at me before turning back around.

"Shouldn't you be gone with the others?"

"I didn't want to leave you, and especially not in this state."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Something is clearly on your mind. I'm right here. Talk to me." I walked behind her. She kept her back turned towards me. 

"No, I don't need to talk about it. You should leave Denzel. Go home and rest up. I don't want to talk and I don't want to talk to you. So just go."

I sighed as I shook my head. She was clearly being stubborn, but I knew exactly how to get her to open up to me.

"This isn't who you are. You're not hostile and distant. You're not this person who you are being right now. What happened to the woman I was with last night?"

She went silent for a moment, then answered.

"You don't know me. You don't know who I really am Denzel. I'm trying to keep the little bit of sanity that I have. Please don't push."

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