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Denzel's P.O.V

Slowly opening my eyes I realized that I was no longer outside, nor was I on the other side. I had this sharp pain that traveled throughout my entire head. My wrists were confined to a hospital bed, and Janet laid asleep beside me in a chair. I hastily moved my wrists trying to be set free from the tight belts that trapped them. Her eyes fluttered opened as she looked at me with soft doe eyes.

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's okay." She touched my face trying to calm me. I checked the time, and saw that it was now 8:16.

"N-No. We have to get ready for the show. Where's Gil and everyone else? W-Why am I tied down to this bed?"

"Hey, Denzel, baby, look at me. Listen to me. You're in no way, shape, or form ready to dance right now. Everyone went home because of them being soaked from the rain. You're here because you tried to jump off a bridge. But you were grabbed before you could hit the water. Although, on the way down you hit your head on the railing of the bridge which is probably why you have a sharp pain in your head. You wouldn't cooperate with the doctor. So you had to be sedated and strapped down. And I... postponed the show,because I didn't want to leave you alone."

I laid in the bed trying to figure out what the hell had happened. I literally had no memory of anything up until the point that I started drinking. Things were in bits and pieces, but I didn't have any full memories of what had taken place, and what had led me to this place. It was as if a chunk of my memory had been removed. I watched Janet stretch as she looked at me intently. I didn't understand why she was so quiet, and so far away from me, but I wanted her closer.

"Why are you way over there? Come sit by me."

"U-Um, no. I don't want to hurt you. You just need to rest and relax." She smiled softly at me.

"No, I know what I need. What I need right now is you."

Janet nodded softly before going to get a few doctors. They came and undid the straps that were holding me down. They then asked me questions about how I was and if I knew what day it was things like that. I answered everything truthfully, and they seemed satisfied with my answers.

"How long will he have to stay in here?"

"Well, Ms. Jackson he tried to jump off a bridge. So for suicidal patients it's mandatory that we keep them 72hrs. For observation."

"I'm not suicidal." Janet and the doctors all looked at me.

"You tried to jump off a bridge sir."

"Haven't you ever had a moment of weakness and needed an escape? That doesn't make me a bad person." I didn't make eye contact with anyone. I kept my head in my hands.

"No, that doesn't make you a bad person." Janet brushed my face softly with her hand. "But their job is to make sure that whatever caused this doesn't happen again. Can you let them do that?"

"Fine." I turned my face from her making her hand fall. She cleared her throat briefly before looking back at the doctors.

"So 72 hours? Then he'll be free to go?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, thank you so much. You guys enjoy the rest of your afternoon."

"You too, Ms. Jackson. You let us know if you need anything."

"Will do." Janet saw all the doctors out with a smile before looking back at me.

There was silence and tension in the room that I hated. But I didn't take the initiative to make it any better.

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