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Denzel's P.O.V

Today Janet decided that she wanted to visit her family. I agreed that it would be a good idea, because I had something that I needed to discuss with her family. But I of course, would start with her brothers first.

After we got dressed and got Eissa dressed we headed right over there. Janet decided to give Joey the day off along with the rest of her bodyguards and her driver. So today it was just the three and a half of us. Me, her, Eissa, and our baby girl. I felt like today would be a good day.

"Are you ready to do this?" Janet questioned.

"I'm ready. I'm nervous a little, but I'm ready."

"I know my family can be a bit harsh sometimes, but they're loveable. They're good people. The first encounter was due to my father's funeral, but they say that second time's the charm."

"I know you're right. They must be good people you came from there."

"Aww baby." Janet pecked my lips a few times. I ibt her lip before pulling away making her moan.

"Let's do this." I chuckled seeing that she was trying to get more. I kissed her lips a few more times before getting out the car.

I went around and got Eissa out of his carseat first, before helping Janet out the car. She held onto my arm as I held Eissa in my arms, and we walked up the steps to the front door. I knocked on the door then waited.

Rebbie was the one to answer the door. So she was the one to greet us first.

"Oh my God, hi you guys. Dunk, you look amazing." Janet smiled as she hugged her big sister. Eissa laid on my shoulder as I let Janet go into the house first.

"Come in here. Mother and everyone else is in the living room." We followed Rebbie into the living room where everyone was.

As soon as everyone saw Janet they all had their own individual reactions.

"Damn, what are you carrying under there a hot air balloon?" Randy scrunched his face up seeing how big Janet actually was in person.

"Steven, shut your baldheaded ass up. Ignore him you look amazing." Rebbie added.

"I'm not worried about him. He's just saying that because he's lonely and has no one to go home to. I'm perfectly happy."

"Steven, do me a favor and go away. Take your other brothers with you. I need to talk to your sisters." Mama Katherine said.

"Then why does backup boy get to stay?"

"Steven Randall Jackson, don't make me tell you again." Janet snickered at her mother's words making Randy squint.

"Fine, mother I wouldn't want you getting violent. Come on boys." I watched as Randy exited the room with Marlon, Jackie, Tito, and Jermaine.

Once they disappeared Mama Katherine smiled as she turned to Janet and I along with Rebbie and Latoya.

"How have you two been doing with all the bad media that was put out about you two?" Mama Katherine questioned.

"We've been fine mother." Janet smiled shyly.

"I bet.. you two have been buzzing in the social media world."

"I wonder why." Janet chuckled as she tugged on her ear. Rebbie laughed as she began to speak.

"You know why. The way you confessed your love for your fans in front of the world was so sweet. And I just want to be the first to say that as your big sister I am so proud of you. You've come a long way."

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