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Denzel's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly to feel something wet on my chest. I looked to see Janet with her head on me crying into my chest.

"Please come back to me, I love you." I heard her sob.

I didn't know if I could move or not, because of the pain I felt when I was shot then sent straight into surgery, I had an allergic reaction to the medicine the doctors gave me which only made the pain worse. I used all the strength I could muster up to touch her, and let her know that I was here with her.

When she felt me touch her head she jumped a little, then stood back as she looked at me.

"Denzel, you're awake?" Janet wiped her eyes as she looked at me. "I should probably go get the doctor. I know that you don't want to see me."

She turned to leave, but I grabbed her hand.

"No, don't go. I'm fine, and I'm here with you. I know that you love me, because I love you too. Now come here." Janet shook her head no.

"I-I don't want to hurt you. You're still in pain."

"Come here." I repeated myself. Janet slowly , but surely made her way over to me. I grabbed her hand and helped her into the bed with me.

"I know that you're in pain. You don't have to pretend with me."

"That may be true, but right now I just want to hold you. I almost just got taken from you in every way."

Janet wrapped my arm tighter around her as she laid her face in my neck.

"Now, tell me why you would think that I wouldn't want to see you?"

"Because you broke up with me, Denzel. Then you were shot by Wissam's goons, because of me and it's my fault that you're here in this position. And I just feel really shitty about this whole situation, because you're not supposed to be here. I'm sorry." Janet's voice broke.

"Stop, this is not your fault." Janet sniffled as she looked at me.

"W-What do you mean this isn't my fault? I know that it was Wissam. He's behind this."

"Yeah, that part is true, but me getting shot wasn't your fault. I've been going in the wrong direction my whole life. Maybe this was God's way of getting my attention. My mother always taught me if God wants your attention then he'll get it any way he can. It gave me a rude awakening, and opened my eyes."

"What kind of rude awakening? What did you get out of almost being killed?"

"I learned that I've been playing games, Janet. I know that I may be young and that we aren't together right now, but I'm done being self pitied. I need to be the man that you need me to be, and the man that I want to be. That all starts with me. In order for me to do that I have to revaluate myself. I know that you can't see it, but me breaking up with you was something that I did for me. That in no way negates the love that I have for you. You're still my heart. You're still the only one I'll ever want and love. But I have to keep my distance for now."

"Why? I don't understand that. I love you and you love me so what's stopping us from being happy together? We had one little fight, but that's normal. What kind of couple would we be if we didn't fight even a little bit? I know that you're bipolar, but still even in that it doesn't change the way I feel about you. If anything it makes me love you more."

"And that's the thing. It's because I'm bipolar that I have to keep my distance from you. At least until I can gain some type of control over it. I told you that this disorder runs in my family. So I know how it will do. I've seen it singlehandedly destroy my sister's life. I can't let that happen to me, to us. You've got to see the bigger picture here. I'm doing this for us."

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