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Janet's P.O.V

I awoke to the sounds of pounding on the door. I took my head and stuffed it under my pillow seeing that it was only 8:07am. The pounding continued making me groan and hold the pillow tighter over my head. Suddenly everything stopped and it was silence. I released the pillow, and carefully removed it. But hearing the door open and someone come inside let me know that whomever it was had entered my room unannounced.

"Jan, I know you heard me banging on the damn door." I glanced up at Missy, then stuffed my head back under my pillow.

"Yes, I heard you Melissa. But I didn't want to hear you. It's too damn early for all of this. What's with the early morning visit anyways?"

"You know I'm here because of what happened last night. I was going to beat around the bush, now I'm just gone come out and ask. Are you pregnant?" I instantly sat up and looked at her.

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Okay, lets see. You woke up feeling sick yesterday afternoon. You became increasingly sick before your show started, and during What About you ran off stage to go... throw up my guess would be. So are you?"


"No?" Missy raised an eyebrow at me.

"No, I mean... I don't think so. I don't know." I ran my fingers through my hair feeling frustrated. "I don't know."

"Well, were you guys having unprotected sex?"

"Sometimes, it was more unprotected than it was protected. Only because I'm 51 and my eggs are fried. I trust him and I know that he wouldn't do me wrong. So we didn't worry about wrapping it up. Also I can't get pregnant anymore." Missy shook her head at me.

"You've been having unprotected sex with Denzel, and you don't think you're pregnant? How about this sis... take a pregnancy test."

"Melissa... I-I can't get up and go out just to buy a pregnancy test. I can't do that."

"No need." Missy went into her purse and pulled out a box. "I went ahead and did you a favor. Also I bought extra and different brands in case the first one didn't work out so well."

I sighed before grabbing the test, and getting out of bed. Going into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me then sat on the toilet. I took each test one after the after praying that it wasn't true. After fifteen minutes I washed my hands as Melissa came into the bathroom. I stood over the test with my hand on my face.

"What do they say?"

"I can't." I turned away not wanting to answer. She came over to where the test were.

"Positive, positive, and positive." Missy read one after the other before looking at me.

I put my hand over my face as I exhaled and inhaled. In this one moment I didn't know how to feel.

"You're pregnant sis. Congratulations. How do you feel?"

"I don't know how to feel honestly. I'm not unhappy if that's what you're thinking. I just can't believe it's real. I mean after the doctors told me I'd never be able to have children, and then Eissa came, and now... this? Eissa is only one years old. Now I'm about to do it again, and I'm overwhelmed." I began to cry.

Missy hugged me, and rubbed my back.

"Sis, you have no need to feel overwhelmed there's support all around you. It won't stop now. Remember, God doesn't put more on you than you can bare. You got this." I wiped my tears and nodded my head. She was right,

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