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Janet's P.O.V

After hearing the news that Denzel's mother had died it was as if the entire room, and the earth began to move in slow motion. This news was impossible, and couldn't be true. My heart shattered into a million pieces, and everyone could tell that I wasn't okay.

"Dunk, are you okay?" I quickly took my phone out of my pocket, and tried to call Denzel avoiding Gil's question.

Just as I thought it would, his phone went straight to voicemail. I tried calling three more times, but got the exact same thing.

"Denzel, when you get this message please call me back. Please?" I ended the call, then sighed. I shook my head before turning to leave.

"Sis, where are you going?"

"Melissa, I can't be here right now. I have to go. I have to go find him. I can't.... stay here. N-Not when he's out there hurting and alone." Tears that were in my eyes had finally managed to find their way down my face.

My hands began to shake as I paced back and forth. My chest heaved up and down as more tears began to flow. Knowing that he was out there in pain, and in devastation did something to me. I promised to be there for him, and I felt as if I wasn't being true to that promise.

"Okay, okay.. listen to me. Dunk, listen." Gil grabbed my hands seeing that I was freaking out. "I'm not letting you leave here alone. You're not in any state to be searching for him. You need to be with Eissa. So what I'm going to do is go searching for him with the kids. Missy can stay with you, and I'll let you know if we find him okay?"

I tearfully nodded my head okay, because the words wouldn't come out. Missy wrapped her arm around me as the kids stood up and went outside one by one.

"Everything will be okay. You just have to think positive about this."

"Stop stressing, You know that it's not good for you." Gil hugged me, then kissed my head. He put his hand on my face before walking out with the kids.

"Come on sis. Let's get you on the bus, and into something cozy." Missy helped me grab my things, then we went onto the tour bus.

I went to the back of the bus where my room was. I washed my face. Afterwards I changed into a big white t-shirt, removed my ponytail, and put my real hair into a bun. I got into the bed, and put my face in my hands trying my best to relax. Luckily my Eisses was already asleep. So I didn't have to worry too much. Missy sat on the edge of the bed as we sat in silence. I could tell that something was on her mind.

"Tell me what's going on Jan."

"I can't... I can't even think right now Melissa. My mind is everywhere, and I just want to know that he's okay." My voice cracked.

"Okay, well tell me one thing. Did you know that his mother was sick?"

"Yes, she had inflammatory breast cancer. But the last thing I heard she was getting better. Denzel, told me that she was getting out of the hospital, because that's just how well her recovery was going. And now this...? I don't... I don't know what to do Melissa. He's been through so much, and I don't want to lose him."

"Jan, it's clear that you love him. Your actions in the venue tonight proved that, and the way you're worrying yourself half to death trying to find him now proves it too. Denzel, he's a strong man. Him being there for you while also dealing with this shows just that. He's been strong for you so many times. Now it's your turn to be strong for him. It will be okay."

I rocked back and forth in the bed as tears came down my face. Missy got up and came over to me. She pulled me into a hug, and rubbed my back trying to assure me that things would in fact be alright. But my heart was with Denzel. It was as if all of the pain that he was feeling I could feel it too.

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