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Janet's P.O.V

The next day after leaving my mother's home I made an appointment to see my doctor. Especially since I woke up the next day with blood in my pants. That was something that Denzel and I decided would be the best thing to do. Even mother said that it was the best thing to do, because I was entirely too stressed out, and I needed to know that our baby was okay.

Denzel and I sat in the office waiting as he held me in his lap trying to assure me that everything would be okay. But for some reason I just didn't feel that way. I needed everything to be okay.

"Mama, how you feeling right now?" Denzel could tell by the look on my face that I wasn't okay.

"I'm scared. What if something's wrong. What if our baby is-"

"Stop it." Denzel grabbed my hand that was shaking as he looked into my eyes. "Baby, please don't think like this. Everything is going to be just fine. I assure you."

Denzel placed his hand on my bump as he rubbed it. I found myself calming down as he soothed my nerves, and continued to rub my bump in soft circles. I put my face in his neck as I exhaled while he placed his other hand on my back for support.

I ended up falling asleep in his arms. When I awoke Dr. Fulton was in the room. So I knew that I'd been asleep for quite some time. I didn't even bother to move. I didn't have the strength. I just continued to let him hold me.

"Ms. Jackson, and Mr. Chisolm what seems to have brought you two here today?" I looked at Denzel and he let me know that everything was okay.

"I woke up with blood in my pants yesterday morning."

"Was it a lot of blood or was it a little bit?" Dr. Fulton questioned as she put her hand on her chin.

"It was in between. I just want to know if our baby is okay. I've been worried out of my mind about her ever since."

"Alright, lay down on the table and let me check you out." Denzel let me get up as he moved aside. I laid on the table and allowed her to do her job.

Once she finished checking me she removed her gloves and threw them away before coming back over to me. She waited until Denzel came back over to me before asking me questions.

"Well, Ms. Jackson the baby is okay, but tell me why have you been stressing?"

"I think you may have a clue of why I've been stressed. It's been all over the news, and social media."

"I'm sincerely sorry about the passing of your father. I'm also sorry that you've been in the midst of this turmoil, but what did you get out of that?"

"What was I supposed to get out of it, Dr. Fulton?"

"Did it teach you something?"

"It taught me how nosy people really are. All I've done my entire life is minded my business, and tried to live my life to the best of my ability. That's why my life has been as private as it has. People can be so cruel at times, and the fact that I'm pregnant never seemed to cross their minds. It doesn't matter to them that I'm happy in the relationship I'm in. They were too busy attacking me to even consider that. Yes, I knew that my secret about my relationship would get out, but I didn't expect for it to be as bad as it's been. I'm seven months pregnant, and I've been stressed out more now than I have in my entire life."

"Ms. Jackson, that's not good. I know that you have the weight of the social media weighing you down about your relationship, and all of the negative energies all around you. But you need to remain as stress free as possible for the sake of your baby. Especially for these last two months it is critical that you remain happy in order to walk out the rest of this pregnancy healthy. Not just for you, but for your baby girl as well."

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