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Janet's P.O.V

Being rushed to the hospital by Denzel things began to get even worse. I was in and out for the most part. I don't remember anything after I was rushed inside the hospital by Denzel. The last thing I remembered hearing was everyone panicking. I couldn't understand why, because I couldn't open my eyes.

"B/p dangerously high 140/90." A nurse shouted.

I heard them telling Denzel that he couldn't come back there where I was. I heard him putting up a fight still trying to come back there despite of what he'd been told. I heard commotion all around me afterwards everything went pitch black.

I was surrounded in pure darkness. I looked down and could see my physical body down below as chaos went down all around me. Seeing not only my son, but Denzel crying as my monitor flat lined brought tears to my eyes. I had to get back to them.

"No, no, no! Why is this happening? This isn't the way things were supposed to be." I sobbed. I dropped down to my knees as I cried wishing I could get back down there to them somehow.

"Only this is the way things were supposed to be." I heard a voice. I looked behind me to see not only my father there, but Michael there as well.

I stood up slowly as I looked at them dressed up in white.

"No, if I'm here that means that I've passed on. Why? Why did this happen to me? How did I end up here?"

"You were losing too much blood. You started hemorrhaging. It was caused because of the fact that you had an placental abruption, rupture of your uterus, and a tearing of your cervix. Your blood pressure became extremely high which caused hypertension and gradually developed into preeclampsia. You also had a really bad seizure which caused your heart to stop."

"Damn, was there anything that didn't happen to me? I still don't understand why this happened. I was perfectly fine. I mean... I had a few moments of pain here and there, but nothing too serious."

"Dunk, you see this as a bad thing, But you being here is a wake up call."

"How Mike? I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be down there with my son, boyfriend, and daughter. Not here.... wherever this is. It's too dark to be heaven."

"We did this to get your attention." I looked at Joe like he was crazy.

"Wait... you two did this? You couldn't just come to me in a dream or a vision or something like normal people on the other side? You had to bring me here, why?"

"Dunk, calm down. You have an important decision to make."

I shook my head as I looked down at Denzel and Eissa. Seeing them so broken up over this situation crushed my heart.

"I want to go back down there and be with them. Eissa can't grow up without a mother. He needs me and so does Denzel. He's been through so much in his life, and has lost so much. He can't lose me too."

"Listen to me, Dunk. Right now you have a decision to make." Michael reached for my hand, but I was too afraid to take it.

"W-What kind of decision?"

"You're not completely gone, yet. The blood in your veins are still warm meaning you have a choice. You can either save yourself or you can choose to save your little girl."

I shook my head as tears came down my face. How was this a fair choice. I was a singer, a sister, a friend, a companion, but most of all I was a mother. I had to do what was best.

"Save her. I've lived my life the best way I could. I will live happily in heaven knowing that she has a chance at life. But I can't continue to live knowing that there was something I could have done to save her, but didn't do. Save her." Tears came down my face as I said each word.

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