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Denzel's P.O.V

"Denzel, wake up. It's time." I opened my eyes slowly to see Gil standing in front of me with his arms folded.

I looked around to not see Janet here with me, but Gil looked bothered by whatever to say the least. I sat up and stretched a bit before saying something.

"What's up Gil?"

"Janet's up. That's what's up." I furrowed my eyebrows confused by his words.

"I don't... I don't think I understand what you mean."

"Okay, I'm tired of playing games here. Let's just get this over with. First, you get my best friend pregnant and decide to not let me or anyone else know what's up. Second, you let her roam the streets freely knowing damn well Wissam's ass could get her alone and attack her at any moment. What kind of shit is that?"

I sat up and looked at him.

"Gil, not telling anyone about us was her decision not mines. I had to respect her wishes, because it was what she wanted. Also what do you mean roam the streets freely she has Joey and her other body guards to protect her. I can't leave this place until I get discharged by a doctor."

"Tell me something Denzel." Gil stroked his chin as he looked at me.

"What's up?"

"Does she have a chain around your dick?" I squinted at his words.

"No. What does that even mean?"

"It means that you could have said something at any moment, but you chose not to say anything because she has you whipped. Did Queen put it down so good to the point where you have to follow all her wishes?"

I scratched behind my head awkwardly trying not to say the wrong thing. I didn't know where Gil was trying to get at, but he made it clear that he was done playing games.

"Gil, as I said before it wasn't my place to tell anyone. I mean sure there were times where I could have said something, but that would have meant betraying her trust. She wanted to keep it on the down low just between us. So I did as she wished. You're her best friend. I'm sure if she wanted you to know she would have told you before now. This wasn't my fault. It's not hers either. It's just the way she wanted things to be."

"Hmm, I see. You're not fucking other bitches are you? She doesn't need to get tested for anything does she?" I was a bit taken aback by his words.

"What? Of course not. I would never do that to her. Why would you ask me that?"

"You got her ass pregnant, Denzel. Meaning you didn't use anything while you and her were fucking. I know because of the fact that she tells me everything, and I do mean everything. I know how she is. There was no protection involved am I right?"

"No. I-I mean yes. Sometimes. Gil, what the hell man? I thought you and I were cool. Why are you coming down on me like this?" Gil shook his head as he took a seat in the chair beside my bed.

"Denzel, we are cool. But Janet that's my best friend. I will go through hell and back for that woman. I would die for her if I had to. She deserves nothing but the best. So don't look at this as a personal attack. Look at it as me looking out for her. She doesn't take advice from her father. Hell they barely even speak. So somebody has to take the initiative to look after her. That's what I'm doing here."

"I understand where you're coming from Gil. But please believe and know that I love her. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her, and the last thing I would ever do is put her in harm's
way. I'm not the kind of man to get a woman, misuse her, then throw her away. I know Janet's worth and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that she knows it too."

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