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"Seems as if I'm not the only one leaving her with bruises." I furrowed my eyebrows then glanced at Denzel as he held my scarf. Shit.

Janet's P.O.V

All eyes laid on me as I quickly took my scarf from Denzel, then tried covering my neck.

"No, don't try to cover it up now. What the fuck is that on your neck?" Wissam questioned.

Denzel and I looked at each other briefly before I looked back at Wissam.

"Why does it matter what's on my neck? After you just had your whore around my son, and flaunted her around here, you don't get to ask questions."

"It matters because you were just holding my son with that damn thing on your neck. Who gave it to you, because I sure as hell know that it wasn't me."

Wissam glared at me trying to intimidate me, but he was actually doing the opposite; and making me want to fight him more.

"I don't owe you any damn explanations. As far as I'm concerned we're through. All I'm waiting for is the divorce settlement to go through, then we'll no longer be in association with each other other than for the only reason which is my son."

"We'll always be associated with each other Janet, because like I stated before you belong to me. That will never change." Wissam spat. I saw Denzel attempting to step forward, but I put my hand on his chest stopping him.

"No, he's not worth it. Just let it go." Wissam looked between Denzel and I quickly before looking back at me.

"I'm not giving you custody and especially not now. Just wait until the judge hears how much of a whore you are." Denzel tried to get at Wissam again, but I kept my hand on his chest not letting him go.

"Wissam just stop okay! Stop it! You can't have women around my son, then give me ultimatums when you're the one in the wrong." I tried not to let him get to me. but he was pissing me off.

"I haven't given you any fucking ultimatums. Given you an ultimatum would be saying keep your whorish ways to yourself or stay out of my son's life." Wissam said.

I scoffed as I looked at him in disbelief.

"So it's okay for you to have some bitch around my son, but when I try to find me a little piece of happiness suddenly it's a crime?!" I yelled.

"It is a crime when you're out spreading your legs to God knows who knowing you're still married makes you a married whore!"

"You know what Wissam you-" I started but was cut off by Randy.

"That's enough arguing and especially in front of the baby. Dunk, let me speak to you outside."

I sighed before following Randy outside. He stood there with his hands in his pockets as I stood next to him.

"What's going on Randy?"

"How long have you been screwing around with that boy?" I tugged on my ear as I looked away.

"Randy, now is not the time to talk about this. Can we drop it please?"

"No, you said that we'd talk about it later. Now is later. I saw the way he looked at you when all of that drama went down. Are you screwing him?"

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