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Excuse any mistakes 💗

Denzel's P.O.V

I woke up feeling little hands on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Eissa wide awake. I looked over and saw Janet still asleep. She had some of her hair over her face which let me know that she had a hard time going to sleep last night. I pulled Eissa into my arms as we stared at each other.

"Tell me what's wrong lil man." Most people thought it was crazy that I talked to an almost two year old like he could actually talk back.

But in all actuality Eissa and I communicated with each other very well with each other. We had our own little language that we shared. I watched as Eissa looked over at his mother.

"You want me to wake up mama?" Eissa stared at Janet's baby bump for a minute. I sat up as I looked at the bump then back at Eissa.

"That's your sister little man. You want to touch her?" I took his hand and put it on the bump, but felt some resistance.

He took his hand away making me look at him. I put his hand back and left it there, but this time removed my hand to watch him. He did the same thing which let me know one thing. He was jealous.

"Alright, little man. Let's get you fed, then get you change so you can be comfortable." I picked him up then headed into the kitchen.

After I got Eissa changed and fed I put him in his playroom so that he could have something fun to do for the moment. I had something else planned. I then headed back into the bedroom. I went over to Janet's side and kneeled down in front of her. I planted soft wet kisses on her neck and stomach making her moan softly. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked at me. She placed her hand on the back of my head as I continued to do it.

"Morning baby."

"Good morning beautiful." I kissed her bump once more. She grabbed me by my ears and pecked my lips.

I gently laid my head on her stomach and listened to the sound of our baby girl moving inside her stomach. I sighed making her look at me.

"What's wrong?"

I laid there silently for a moment before answering her.

"I think Eissa is jealous of the baby." Janet looked at me weird for a moment as she laid there.

"What do you mean? Jealous?"

"Well.... this morning he woke me up. I asked him if he wanted to wake you up because he kept staring at you. Instead of doing that I let him feel his sister, but it was strange because he kept taking his hand away from your stomach."

"That doesn't mean he's jealous... does it?"

"I think it does. Babe, trust me I have two younger sisters under me so I think I know how he's feeling. You were the baby of your family so it's not really the same. He feels like he's being pushed out of the way before his time. Do you get that?"

"But he has no reason to feel that way. He knows that I love him."

"I know that you love him and so does he. But maybe he feels like he doesn't have a chance to actually grow up and be a child considering that our princess is almost here. He feels like he's being pushed out of the way."

Janet sat up as she looked at me.

"No, I... I don't want him to feel that way. He's my baby boy. My first born at that. I don't want him feeling like that at all. There has to be something that can be done about it."

"Hey, look at me." I grabbed her hand and made her look into my eyes. Janet took a deep breath as she looked at me.

"D, what am I gonna do?"

The BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora