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Janet's P.O.V

Today was the day of Wissam's court hearing. I was nervous, of course. But I had Denzel here to keep me calm. I also had the support of my friends, and the kids. I was nervous to see him, but I had this calm feeling of peace that kept me sane. I had my lawyer, he had his, and now all that was left was whatever the judge decided to do with him. Denzel looked so good in a suit. It was almost hard to focus. He was the only reason why I could focus and didn't feel afraid for the very first time.

"Hey, baby are you ready for today?"

"Yeah, but I need to know. Did you take your medicine? I don't need Wissam trying to make you spazz out in the courtroom. Then they'll try to have you arrested for disorderly conduct."

Denzel chuckled as he grabbed both of my hands.

"Breathe, yes I took my medicine. I already know how that nigga is. I'm going to be on my best behavior unless he decide to act crazy. Then you already know what it'll be then."

I laid my head on his chest as I exhaled. Denzel kissed my head before wrapping his arms around me.

"Everything is going to be just fine. Remember, I'm going to be by your side the entire time. There's nothing to worry about."

I nodded my head okay realizing he was right. He kissed my lips as I grabbed his hand, and we were escorted outside to the car by Joey. He shielded us from all the paparazzi and the craziness. I just wanted to get there and get this over with.

Denzel and I rode to the courthouse in silence. It wasn't bad silence. It was because I was nervous and he knew it. He held my hand the entire way. When we got there Gil, Missy, and Allison were already there. Since I was already on edge Gil had Eissa with him.

"Dunk, how are you feeling? Are you ready to put this bastard behind bars once and for all?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Gil. I'm just ready to get this over with if we're being honest here. I don't feel safe or comfortable being in the same room as him, and I don't want him near my son."

"I know how you're feeling, but trust me I got my nephew. And all of us got you. So nothing is going to happen in there. Trust and believe that, we got you."

I nodded my head as I smiled faintly. I kissed Eissa as he grabbed my face and kissed me. I chuckled before looking over at Allison.

"Hey, Alli."

"Hi, boss lady."

"Are you ready to testify? I know that this is your first time doing something like this, but I appreciate you doing it for me."

"No problem, boss. I'm feeling really confident about today. Mr. Al Mana is about to get exactly what he deserves." Allison smiled. I looked over at Missy who was smiling too.

"You already know I'm ready sis. Let's go put this fool behind bars." I chuckled at her eagerness as I nodded my head.

We all walked into the courtroom. Denzel was right behind me never letting my hand go. I could feel Wissam's eyes burning in me which made me hold Denzel's hand tighter. I was met with the lawyer, Mr. Caliver, that I'd hired for this case.

"Ms. Jackson and Mr. Chisolm, how are you two feeling today? Are you guys ready to kick some ass in this courtroom?"

"I'm ready. She on the other hand is nervous." Denzel put his hand around my waist as I smiled.

"I'm ready to get this out the way."

"That is completely understandable. We should take our seats, court is about to start in a few seconds." I nodded my head at Mr. Caliver's statement.

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