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Denzel's P.O.V

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of banging on the door. The boss laid on top of me with her face buried in the crook of my neck. My arms were wrapped around her body. We must have overslept or something because when I looked at the time it was way past 8:45am. The banging continued and as soon as the boss heard it she jumped up and looked at me.

"I know. This little secret is just between us." I grabbed my shirt and put it on, then grabbed my boxers and slipped them on. I hid under her bed as she got up.

I watched her put on her robe and kind of straighten up things before going to answer the door. After a few moments I heard the voices of Gil and Missy following the boss back into her room. I made sure to keep quiet.

"So you overslept huh? You're usually the first one to be up. What happened?" Gil questioned.

"Gil, I honestly don't have the energy to go into detail. There's been all kinds of hell going on around me. I just needed to sleep in today."

"Speaking of hell Missy informed me on the bruises that you have on your body. Why didn't you tell me that asshole was putting his hands on you? Do you not know how protective I am of you?"

"I'm sorry Jan... he forced it out of me. You know that I would never-"

"No, it's fine." The boss sighed cutting Missy off. "Gil, I didn't tell anyone. I mean what kind of woman goes around bragging about their spouse being abusive towards them? You both know how private I am."

"Yes, I know but if I had known that you were in an abusive marriage I could have covered for you. I can't help but think that I had some part in putting those bruises on you. When Wissam called and asked were we still rehearsing I said no, and that's the night he got violent."

"I can't blame you Gil. You didn't know. I'm not going to hold you responsible for something you knew nothing about."

"I'm so sorry you're going through this sis. You don't deserve to be hit by anyone and especially not him. He needs to get put back in his place." Missy said.

"That'll be the day I hope for." Gil and Missy hugged the boss as she exhaled. Gil rubbed her back as he looked around the room.

"I do have a question though."


"Have you seen Denzel? Nobody has been able to find him since last night's show. He didn't sleep in his room last night either." The boss tugged on her ear as she looked away.

"No, why would you think I've seen him?" Gil squinted.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I feel like you're lying to me."

"Gil... I- I'm not..." She laughed. Missy folded her arms as they both looked at her.

"Queen, is something going on between you and Denzel?" Gil questioned.

"Gil, can you please stop with all the questions? I still have an headache from last night. I just want to go back to sleep."

"Alright, fine. I'll let it go for now, but you know I'll find out sooner or later. I always do." Gil hugged her before exiting the room.

Missy chuckled as she shook her head. It was as if she knew something that Gil obviously had missed.

"Tell Denzel I said hi when we leave." Missy smirked. The boss grabbed her hand before she could leave.

"Wait... how'd you-" Missy pointed over towards the wall.

"Those are his shoes. I saw him wearing them yesterday sis. It's okay though. Your secret is safe with me. You two make a cute couple by the way. But when you feel like it breakfast is downstairs waiting. I could have them send you something up. Then we could go shopping later on if you feel up to it."

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