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Hello everyone!!~

idk if that will be my new intro

we'll see if i continue that :0


so since there might be new people

hah jk no one reads my stuff

anyways just some random stuff about me~

my name is shannon

my nicknames are mostly shan, but feel free to call me anything else

my favorite color is green

my interests consist of art, anime, soccer, track, running and being a fan girl

my bias is Taehyung

my favorite bands are The Black Eyed Peas, and Bts

if i refer to a book that i've made ill say acronyms like TFT stands for Table For Two, IOM stands of Instead Of Me, TDF stands for The Dream Files

TFT is my most updated book, it's basically a story about a girl and her friends who have a necklaces that relate to soulmates

IOM is a late night story is for when i'm venting and shit, don't take it seriously though cause it isn't to be taken seriously

TDF is like a friend fan fiction, like i wrote about them and their crush, there are 6 girls that you'll have the pov of, the chapters are labeled by letters ex;
L chapters are jiminotes
A chapters is Ava
C chapters are eggsuk
S chapters are me :))
K chapters are gxdchrixty
Z chapters are Angie

And lastly Life As Me is my old personal so ;))


well uhm there are people i'll mention in this when school is back up, mostly ill mention Lola, Christy, Ava, Cyn, Angie, Kira, Drew, and lastly Arnav, but ill refer to him as A

oh and a daily thing i do is "heckles yeah man" it's kinda just a thing don't mind it


Favorite manga or anime? cartoon if you don't watch them?

anime would be Mirai Nikki, manga would be Soul Eater. and my favorite cartoon was Teen Titans when i watched it

signing out-

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