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hello everyone!!~

so being sick is great

i literally just took 6 medications like tf

i took 4 benadryls, 30 mL night flu, nasal spray, aloe vera for nose, zirtec,
and finally flonase

like i almost threw up
because the like 30 mL tasted like pills, like if they sit in your mouth too long and just it sucked ass

anywho today-

so because i have a fever i didn't sleep
much because i couldn't stay asleep for long

like i would fall asleep at 11 and wake up at 11:30

like yes hello i'd like more than a half hour of sleep please

anywyas i wake up at 3 am

and im hella hungry because i didn't eat any dinner so

you know like a normal person i went to the kitchen and ate some applesauce at 3 in the morning

i watch some stuff until 7 ish because i couldn't sleep

finally get some sleep until 9

i go

and figure out that i have a doctors appointment at 10:15

so i take a shower

and we leave to step by step pediatrics

we get there and turns out i'm not seeing my regular doctor because she's busy with some other patients

so the nurse and i are talking about the greatest showman

oh and at this time i lost my
voice so i had to communicate with my hands or tell my mom to say it

so whatever turns out that i don't have strep throat

so that's good

and so the doctor comes in

and i'm wearing my SP sweatshirt

and she's like "oh you play for SP? what age group?"

and turns out she's one of my teammates mother

that's pretty neat

but anyways she says that this should all be gone by wednesday

if not then we have to see them again

anywyas get home

lye around for most of the time

so around 7 i like just pass out

and i sleepwalk and talk so i'm like wandering in the kitchen and talking about the cats

and my dad is like "tf is you doing"

and then i wake up

pretty neat

so then i decide "hey let's watch a movie"

and during this movie i like get these old memories stuck in my head from when i was sick when i was little

so like until 6th grade if we were sick we'd hang out at my moms work in the kitchen area, pretty neat

and for some reason i like thought of when my grandparents would stay at our house and there would be a thunderstorm and me and em were scared of them

so we'd take over covers off our bed and make a bed in the living room

and we'd watch bull riding until like 1 am with them

pretty neat

i'm gonna pass out

heckles yeah

are you cold or warm right now?

my head is warm but my body is cold

curse you fever

signing off-

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