
6 1 6

hello everyone!!~

my eyes are burning like can you stop

deadass i was low key so pissed off just a few minutes ago

i'll explain that later

anywho today-

first period we typed our essay and we all turned it in, i only missed one point so that's chill (history)

second period i got to audition for a fine arts camp in michigan which i might go to in the summer. it all kind of depends on my schedule (orchestra)

third period i mostly typed tft and organized my google drive, idk but for some reason it just has to be perfect. also more on tft later (office helper)

fourth period i took a individual math test, it was fairly easy but it took forever because you had to show your work in typing which is annoying when you have to cube and square things (math)

fifth period we learned that cynthia was almost a sinner, a joke tho, just because it's no meat fridays so she almost ate pepperoni (lunch)

sixth period i typed more of tft and its almost done i swear, oh we also watched some march madness (language arts)

seventh period we took a science test, i believe i only missed one on it, and then we watched more march madness (science)

after school was track, it was fairly chill since it was time trials which i low key hate

like thanks i already was freaking out because of the audition and i don't need to be freaking out over time trials

legit our track coach was trying to make me run the mile

like hell no

anywyas i got home and made me some

then shortly after i went to conditioning

we did mostly sprints today, but at the end we played soccer tennis so that was cool

then we went and picked up my sisters uniform and i got to play with some dogs

lastly we picked up some food for my mom and emily on the way home

anyWays about tft

i swear i'm almost done typing chap 22, it's around 2500 words rn and i want it at 3000 at least

it's pretty juicy for some info

my eyes are killing me


heckles yeah man

what's your favorite number? (so not a lucky number, that'll be tomorrow's question)


signing off-

LIFE WITH YOU//2018Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz