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hello everyone!!~

hah so basically right now i'm in the middle of either crying or committing murder

like why have a been so upset lately

literally before this i was fine but like last week my emotions were like "let's be upset 24/7"

anywho today~

first period we watched a video and started a homework that's due Thurs (history)

second period we played two pieces and like the second one has two cello parts, the normal and solo section, and since i never picked up the solo because i was putting something away. i was stuck playing by myself and i was like "i forget the rhythm" and A was like "oh it's 1 2 3 1 2 3" like for a minute or so and i kinda was looking at him instead of the music and he looked up at me and laughed and i was gonna cry (orchestra)

third period i mostly read misery and wrote a letter to lola (office helper)

fourth period we had a team test and my teacher was like "learn the correct terminology for the test" yet we worded it the way she taught us to ??? (math)

fifth period the lunchroom was basically all out of food when we went up (lunch)

sixth period we had a guest speaker and we had to write a short story and the guy was like "oh my gosh that's good!!" as he read my thing over my shoulder and and the other dude kinda just knocked on the table to get my attention and gave me a thumbs up (language arts)

seventh period we did a lab and this kid named griffin sat so close to me like no stop and he kinda was being an idiot (science)

after school i did homework and random stuff

played on the computer for a bit

OH AND A QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT-- i have decided to go on a hituas for TFT due to me being upset 24/7, i will continue it when i become inspired, again sorry, i don't know how long or short it will be

and right before typing this i wrote a letter to A about some things that have been bothering me lately

heckles yeah man

current obsession?

anything creepy

signing out-

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