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hello everyone!!~

ahah so let's see right now i'm listening to some random animatics

well let's start off with school~

first period we read and my teacher asked me to read but my throat was so dry i sounded crusty as hell (history)

second period we did some graffiti and me and ava talked about carson and tyler (lola's man)   (art)

third period i forgot where i was, like i was listening to a song that reminded me of something and i looked up from my paper and forgot i was in school (study hall)

fourth period we did a poster (math)

fifth period was normal (lunch)

seminar i wrote my letter to lola

sixth period i kinda just sat around and wrote a letter for A and played some kahoot (language arts)

seventh period we did a lab and this kid wrote "liy jack" i turned to him and was like uhm did you mean ily? he was like OHAHSHD I ALWAYS MESS THAT UP!! (science)

then after that we were walking out of school and lola and i are talking to Zane and he's like "what's the ship name again?" and i'm like "which one?? my personal favorite is citler" and lola looks at me and was like "sharnav"
but she pronounced it wrong

now that i'm thing of that i don't know how you pronounce it

but whatever i'm cracking up about this

oh also i never actually gave this letter to arnav cause lola was rushing so

anywyas after school i did homework and helped my mom with cleaning the living room

then while putting something downstairs i hit my toe on the door and gave up

i think that's about it

i'm probably missing something important ://

heckles yeah man


favorite subject in school?


probably math

signing off-

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