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hey spooky sisters !!

so let's see, yesterday we covered mental breakdowns and a hint of crushes

so i was thinking that we should cover stalkers and creepy people who won't leave you alone

fun right?

well i was just reading some webtoon about horror stories and one was about a stalker

and i'm like hey why not make that our topic for tonight

so let's see

i've had my fair share of stalkers and creepy people

first we will start with in real life stalkers

like people you know and don't know

so i've been stalked at the mall and other public places with i'm with friends

and my #1 advice is stay close to your friend

even if it's a long shot that they are stalking you it's generally a good idea to stay near the person you are with

once when i was with a friend at a book store and we noticed this one guy following us

and he so happened to approach us

and say something along the lines of "hey ur cute can i get your number"

you know nice compliment but id rather not

so then i grabbed my friend sydney and hugged her and said i'm a lesbian sorry

and he was like it's chill i'm a lesbian too

and continued to follow us very close behind before out of the shop when we ran

so yeah

stay close to your friend and in sight of an adult or other people

stay safe my dudes

and then there is online stalking


we are gonna focus on ones messaging you or spamming the account you are using

so basically they at this point are messaging you and probably are spamming if you don't respond

or being creepy in general

like this one dude was like "your mine"

i'm like uh no

and again my #1 advice is to


them :)

they can't damage you if they can't reach you

and if they are continuing to make a new account and spam then just don't respond and mute that chat

then they'll get the hint hopefully

but yeah

i'm pretty tired and ima just go to bed soon

so uh caio

hope you had a good day/night

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what are you going to be for halloween?

i don't have anything in mind but if i do it'll be an old costume so like a witch or something :)

signing off-

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