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hello everyone~!!

so yeet starting off with last night

after i finished updating me and olivia started talking about random things

and turns out she's a writer too, i read her work so far and i must say i love it

and so then like amelie starts acting up

and then apparently she was trying to overdose and let this demon she thinks live in her house take over her

so i'm like wtf????? so then i stated rambling off what your supposed to do when someone overdoses

but then like she calmed down

and so i was like alright i've got to go to bed cause i got up around 6 this morning for soccer tournament

and i'm like just spam me if anything happens because i'll wake up if like my phone starts going crazy

anywyas i woke up this morning and everything was fine

i had a soccer game at 8 so we left at 6:30 because of travel time and warm ups

basically the tournament is just for the coaches to see if they are able to coach you in game situations and it's basically all a scrimmage

so we tied the first game 5-5 and all in all it wasn't too bad

then we talked with some parents after the game and some friends that played in a game shortly

we drove back home, got some breakfast

i got this thing called an eggel which is like an egg sandwich on a bagel

it was pretty good

then we left the house again around 11:30 for the second game

and let's just say i almost snapped at this girl cause she slapped me in the face during the game

i was like b i t c h

but whatever we won 2-1

we went straight to my sisters softball game after

then we went home and had dinner around 4

and basically from then i had been doing nothing because i was tired cause the humidity is really bad where i live

and i was really hot and tired

then we played a game around 9

and then from then until 10 i was finishing something in my bullet journal

i swear i'm turning into an old man because my back hurt just sitting there

i'm really tired cause 6 hours of sleep plus soccer doesn't bode well


does your back hurt when sitting at a desk for awhile?

yeah because i lean over

signing off-

LIFE WITH YOU//2018حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن